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Xbox Live Market Place - General Discussion Thread 1

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    Picked up Bastion & Renegade Ops for starters. Toying about Insanely long name for a game shadow planet


      Renegade Ops grabbed...was gonna buy it last month to play with my mate but he went and died so I never got around to getting it. Gonna have to play it in his honour now. Lucky he was crap at all games so wont be hard to beat his score

      Took a punt on Bastion too...along with Sonic CD and the Raam DLC for Gears thats a big splurge the last 2 days. Luckily there are no "real" games out til march for me to get through it all.


        Renegade ops a go go!


          Craps, wasn't gonna buy any, got drunk, now have them all. Ops is still DLing but Bastion is clearly superb, Shadow Planet's just pinged so will now give that a try, though expect it to be vastly decent.


            is bastion still available discounted?

            any others on the offers which are top titles? is the portal game good?


              Main question to ask is, have you played portal?
              If not, buy it. Stand alone version has few extra modes to play or if you feel like more value The Orange Box retail game includes Portal, Half Life 2 games and Team Fortress 2.
              Bastion deal is done, was for 1 day only.
              Hearing that its some Kinecr Arcade games for todays daily deal, hole in the wall and leedmes.


                Tempted to get bloodrayne and renegade ops.......any reccomendations for either?


                  Renegade Ops -

                  BloodyRayne -

                  As much as I enjoyed Bloodrayne for a bit of retro themed hack and slashery, it's not going to set your hair alight. I'd say you'll get much more mileage and a lot more fun out of Renegade Ops if you enjoy shooting and blowing things up.


                    does the japanese store have these offers? i have 600ms on my account but its going to be a pain to get my account recovered to find out myself. Cheers in advance


                      Just checked, and yes it does indeed. They also have half minute hero as their weekly gold deal!


                        cheers fuse! looks like its time to dig out my faulty xbox/find a usb dongle then!!

                        *edit* cant work out the combo of which deleted email address/password combo it was
                        Last edited by BaronSqwelch; 21-12-2011, 23:24.


                          Street Fighter 3 Online Edition is the Deal of the Day, live now. from 1200 to 600.

                          Looks like the leaked German list is coming true, if so the rest of the content is as follows.

                          25.12.2011: Fruit Ninja Kinect
                          26.12.2011: Forza Motorsport 4 Content (inc. Season Pass, Avatar Items)
                          27.12.2011: Halo Reach Content (inc. GoD, Map Packs, Avatar Items etc.)
                          28.12.2011: Sonic Content (xbla games, avatar items)
                          29.12.2011: Red Dead Redemption Content
                          30.12.2011: Gears of War 3 Content (inkl. Season Pass, Add-ons und Avatar-Items)
                          31.12.2011: Call of Duty Content


                            If that is true, then I'm pretty underwhelmed. I bought the new Deadliest Warrior game yesterday on the deal of the day, but nothing much else is tickling my fancy.


                              Would probably be tempted by Sonic 4.1 if they reduce it to 400, but other than that there's nothing at all for me.


                                Grabbed the 3rd Strike at about 11.52pm, just before the offer ended, bloody ruddy good 'tis it. Now to actually get good at the bloody thing. Still got my DC 3rd Strike & SF3 gathering dusts, had 'em since the early noughties, loved 'em, appreciated 'em visually (*beautiful*) but never got as nuts-deep as I did with SF2, never gelled with the parry system but this is nirvana, even the bad Kanye-style faux-rap is lovely-corny (and this predated Kanye by a couple of years!)

