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Xbox Live Market Place - General Discussion Thread 1

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    Originally posted by Jebus
    They may not have said we'd definitely get one every wednesday but they did say that was the target, the idea.
    No they didn't. They said all arcade releases would come out on a Wednesday, not that every Wednesday should see an arcade release. There's quite a difference between those two statements. As Marty says, people have now assumed it's going to be a regular weekly thing, but that is just an assumption and an incorrect one at that.

    Those of you moaning about this are going completely OTT imo. If there hadn't been a release for a few weeks and this was the first update for a while, the I could understand it but we had a release last week and we'll probably get a release next week. Are you lot really that impatient?

    I'm amazed how quickly people get used to something and then moan when it doesn't suddenly meet their short lived (and often unrealistic) expectations. It wasn't long ago that we had to wait months between arcade releases (and I admit that was poor) but now you're moaning about a week?. I remember people also moaning during TGS/X06 because the releases weren't quite to the same stellar standard in their opinion to the releases during E3 (despite there being Doom and over a half dozen demos).

    I swear, gamers are the most fickle bunch and console manufacturers are doomed whatever they try to do. If I were Sony, MS or Nintendo, I'd release a game about the life of a community relations manager. It would be called 'Oh Why do I ****ing Bother?'.


      Last week was Thanksgiving, do you really expect people to work their ass off over that holiday?

      Take a look at the holiday chart in your place of work/study, there will be a big block of 8 to 10 days where no work gets done at all.


        I looked at my arcade games list last night - Couldn't believe it when the wee counter shot up to 23 !!!!

        Don't need anymore of these for now tbh. Still to put some time into contra/timepilot/scramble....

        And patched poker


          Brats mate, I have no problem with a Wed without a game or a patch for Poker. It's how they've phrased it, sounded to me like this was the week's game.


            Originally posted by bignige
            Jesus, someone needs to put his toys back in his pram...
            Haha, sorry. Had a bad couple of days, spent nearly an hour on the phone to Comet speaking to 4 different people because they'd charged me twice to fix my cooker!

            I don't even play Texas Hold Em much! I just think it's a bit much to say the wednesday arcade release is a patch.

            Originally posted by Brats
            No they didn't. They said all arcade releases would come out on a Wednesday, not that every Wednesday should see an arcade release. There's quite a difference between those two statements. As Marty says, people have now assumed it's going to be a regular weekly thing, but that is just an assumption and an incorrect one at that.
            They certainly don't do much to stop people thinking it though did they? You'd think with Nintendo about to do their thing, they'd WANT to put content out regularly. When did Texas Hold Em come out anyway, and it's just being patched now? Though to be honest I didn't see much wrong with it in the first place.

            I make no bones about it, I think Xbox live is a WONDERFUL service, it's truly an eye opener to me having only experienced it on the 360. I just think that with all the wonderful things they ARE doing, they make mistakes like this, saying a patch is "live arcade action". Wouldn't it have been better to word it so that it's more like "There is no arcade release this week". Regardless of them NOT saying they would put out new content every wednesday, they DID target 50 (or whatever the figure is/was) games by the end of the year.

            I mean, Uno decks etc are one thing, but patches? Maybe I do expect something on a Wednesday, what's so wrong with that? I know they never promised it, but most of the time they do it, so what on earth is wrong with expecting, nay hoping for something?

            Can I just also politely remind you that we do pay them for the live service. Of course we are able to play live games with that, but as part of the Gold subscription you get much more. I'm not complaining about the service, far from it, but that doesn't stop me from feeling that calling a patch "tomorrow's live arcade action" is, well...****.

            EDIT: There were a LOT of titles announced recently, anyone know any ETA's on them? Seems they keep announcing new content "Coming soon" (double dragon another to the long list)...there was even a video during E3 which showed coming soon arcade titles, Sonic was in there...not mentioned since?

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            I'm certainly not alone in feeling this, though I don't agree with the quite over-zealous way that blog goes about saying it. Nor do I agree with all the sentiments in that blog.
            Last edited by Jebus; 29-11-2006, 14:05.



              Dashboard Update (aka the 1080p fix)

              The next time you sign into Xbox Live, you?ll be prompted for a dashboard update. The update contains:

              Improved support for HD video output over VGA, including 1080p resolution
              Improved plug and play performance for wired headsets when being used with wireless controllers
              Changes made to recently played games list to improve accuracy
              This update is being rolled out across the world, so you may not get it exactly at this moment, so be patient.

              I told you we'd fix it


                The update has stopped my monitor working in 1080p. Wierd that.

                Gaming Edge? Yuck! The place where any jumped up ungrateful squirt can place an ill guided opinion.

                Though to be honest I didn't see much wrong with it in the first place.
                That's because it's not a patch, it's an update. And you can hope and expect for something as much as you like, but throwing a paddy when it doesn't meet your own expectation is the behaviour of a spoilt child.


                  This may just be me, but I seem to be logged into live before the dash boots now. (it was like this before, then stopped) sort of "in Sync" again.


                    Originally posted by Brats
                    And you can hope and expect for something as much as you like, but throwing a paddy when it doesn't meet your own expectation is the behaviour of a spoilt child.
                    Sorry I can't express my disappointment in a manner that meets your high standards, so much so that you need to go calling me a spoilt child, obviously doing that is far better behaviour. Jesus.

                    I really don't see why you feel the need to vehemently defend it, proving every single point to be wrong so much so you need to call people names. The majority (from a quick browse around the web) of the service's users feel it was a poor move, you don't...fine, we disagree, no problem. I do take exception to you calling me a spoilt child though, I think that is rather out of order and compeltely uncalled for.

                    Clearly a discussion that neither of us can win since you believe anyone who disagrees with you to be a spoilt child or a "jumped up ungrateful squirt" and I believe that to call an update "this weeks action" is just plain poor. So if it's okay with you I'd like to agree to disagree and take the discussion no further.

                    But for the record, who was it that got my expectations that high? It's a compliment to the service provided that I expect, or hope for a release more often than not. I'm entitled to feel disappointment AND express it however I feel. I just want to (again) state that I think Xbox Live has revolutionised my own personal gaming experience and think the service is brilliant, but sometimes they let themselves down.
                    Last edited by Jebus; 30-11-2006, 17:25.


                      It certainly does sound childish to complain about not having a new Arcade game every week. It's not like there's a lack of stuff to play on this system or anything. I would rather have some titles delayed than buggy.


                        Originally posted by Jebus
                        Sorry I can't express my disappointment in a manner that meets your high standards, so much so that you need to go calling me a spoilt child, obviously doing that is far better behaviour. Jesus.
                        .. Which has allways been a problem with this place. You get jumped on for the smallest thing, no matter how petty there's allways someone with a pitchfork and a torch.
                        Good job you didn't start a seperate thread on the subject. Thats not allowed you know.
                        Probably helps if your local


                        Oh, and now that you're cutting out the Gamertag workaround
                        Whats that all about?


                          Originally posted by Jebus
                          Sorry I can't express my disappointment in a manner that meets your high standards, so much so that you need to go calling me a spoilt child, obviously doing that is far better behaviour. Jesus.
                          Just for the record, I didn't call you a spoilt child. I said 'throwing a paddy when it doesn't meet your own expectation is the behaviour of a spoilt child'. I was very careful not to make this personal. It's not you, it's the behaviour displayed I vehemently disagree with.

                          And let's face it, it is bad behaviour. It's in the same area as 'I want my chocolate milk!' or 'There are only 35 presents this year! Last Birthday, there were 36!'. It's behaviour that sadly seems to be on the increase in every circle of life nowadays. Some think they have a 'right' to certain things based on their own expectations and cannot deal with a situation in an adult way when it doesn't meet those self-releaised expectations.

                          Sorry if you took it personally.

                          Which has allways been a problem with this place. You get jumped on for the smallest thing, no matter how petty there's allways someone with a pitchfork and a torch.
                          Oh shut up!


                            Fair enough, I'd assumed you were talking to me since you had quoted me. I still don't think it's childish, nor do I actually think I was complaining. I had merely stated I thought it was poor, that's all.

                            Once again I state my expectations were set that high by Microsoft in the first place. I most certainly can deal with it, it's not the end of the world, as I said, I just think it's poor!

                            Oh and (again) I feel I should say the thing I was "complaining" about WASN'T the lack of a new game, it was that they called the patch/update "This weeks action"...

                            I don't mind there being no new games on a wednesday, but don't call a patch "this weeks action".


                              Originally posted by Jebus
                              I don't mind there being no new games on a wednesday, but don't call a patch "this weeks action".
                              Dunno if this is the right place for this but since I got that hyped up patch - I've not been able to get an online game with Texas Hold'em,where usually it was always full of people. Anyone else had that issue?


                                Originally posted by Widegoat
                                Dunno if this is the right place for this but since I got that hyped up patch - I've not been able to get an online game with Texas Hold'em,where usually it was always full of people. Anyone else had that issue?
                                Had it for a while, and now it's occasional. Seems to be sorting itself out.

