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A Fanboy Intervention

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    On the one hand they're calling Nintendo fanboys stupid for saying the Revolution will be awesome when they haven't played it yet. Then they spend half the article writing off the Revolution when they, err, haven't played it yet.

    Some of it's pretty funny, but then the rest is mostly just hypocrital.


      It is true though - I tend to forget that Nintendo are a massive, faceless corporation who only want to do one thing (and it's not be my friend). But I don't think you can ever fully leave behind the loyalty you feel to your first machine. Whatever happens though, I'll have all three consoles at some point.


        Genius. Loved it.


          Originally posted by toythatkills
          On the one hand they're calling Nintendo fanboys stupid for saying the Revolution will be awesome when they haven't played it yet. Then they spend half the article writing off the Revolution when they, err, haven't played it yet.
          Indeed. The points made about fanboyism were absolutely spot on; the attempts to make up problems with the Revolution less so. Dismissing Ubisoft's new game as a "next-gen Duck Hunt" will have the intended effect in riling Ninty fanboys, but in saying it he risks sounding like a fanboy off an Xbox forum.

          Gotta love this picture though. What a guy


            Originally posted by Tig
            Indeed. The points made about fanboyism were absolutely spot on; the attempts to make up problems with the Revolution less so.
            Oh I don't know. They made me chortle. Afterall it does look, well, kinda ****.

            Take off the "but its Nintendo how could they go wrong" glasses for a while, conveniently ignoring the Virtual Boy fiasco on the way, and it looks like a turd in the making. Still as they've proved with the DS they either know there market fantastically well or are pretty damn lucky.

            And afterall what do I know. I'm just another opinionated forum poster. One in a million. Who thought the DS was going to be **** too (yes yes I was wrong, I ended up selling my PSP and keeping the DS - though for the games I've kept it the styles and dual screens were nothing to do with it).


              Originally posted by Tig
              Gotta love this picture though. What a guy
              I do wonder if they guy who wrote the thing did miss what this picture was really about.

              It was the result of another games forum ripping the piss out of a foreign site which was saying that Iwata was going to "drop a bomb" in terms of Rev info at the GDC.

              It read something like "Satoru Iwata een bom zal droppen" and the report ended with the phrase "Spannnnuuuuund!!!"

              The guy in the picture was just a forum member who went to the GDC. Then again the article could be sarcastic and I've missed it

              It did result in some funny photoshops though such as




                I didn't spaz out when I saw those pics (reading that link was the first time i'd seen them) but I did laugh at the fact that the rev's supposed to revolutionise the way we play games and the first ever shots of a proper rev game are of some bloody generic casino shootout that looks like that dodgy Die Hard game from a while back.

                I'm still reading the article, hypocritical or not, as the screen grabs and pics ARE making me spaz out


                  I think his whole argument went to pot when he recommended waiting 2 years to see how a console 'shapes up'. You can't ask that of a fan.


                    I know this was completely not the point of the article, but did anyone else find this image surprising:

                    That thing is damn small!
                    I guess it will be more like holding a lazer pen than an enormous, clunky VCR remote. Bit of a relief there.


                      well did anyone make that paper cutout model from ign? i did, and it's stuck to my monitor at work but i could swear it's a bit bigger than that. i'll go measure it up on friday if i remember (read: can be bothered)

