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Your all-time favourite gaming tunes

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    Oh rats forgot about the final boss tune in gitaroo man

    Thats great possibly one of my fav last levels ever

    Is there a soundtrack available for gitaroo man?


      I couldn't narrow the list. My faves would probably be able to fill an ipod!


        Final Fight opening theme.
        SF2 chara select.
        Rambo 3 bow and arrow bonus stage.
        Kept you waiting, huh?


          I really love game music for some reason. Just yesterday the arranged album for Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana arrived in the mail. Great battle tunes. There's a lot of music I enjoy in games. Recently I've been marathoning Ikaruga music which is great. I'd really like it played live by an orchestra. Man, that would be something. Anyway, there's some much to mention so I'll just say that my favorite is, even though there are better tunes, is Mega Man 2 Castle Wily Theme 1. It's really something that you never forget just because it was the first game I got for the NES (after Mario Bros., naturally). I could go on and on with this subject... But I will add that Castlevania music is really insipiring as well but it wouldn't be fair to other game music composers (a field that doesn't earn enough respect). Think of how much love Yuukichan's Papa and Bunbun have garnered over the years from gamers.

          I couldn't narrow the list. My faves would probably be able to fill an ipod!


            Hmm probably C&C back in the day, who didnt like act on instinct,
            couple of sonic treasures like Hydrocity act 2 and Flying Battery hehe,
            Everything really, Zone of the Enders 1/2, Shinobi on the PS2 has some great music too, Soulcalibur series, FF7 etc SotC too like some have mentioned


              Originally posted by thebuddahman
              4 pages in and is there no love for the 'Safe' room music in Resident Evil 1 (PS1)?
              Nah I love the Resi stuff, that one included. Too many people dismiss the Resi stuff as simple ambience, but there's some great stuff in the games.
              I think perhaps my only disappointment with newer titles such as REmake and RE4 is the downplaying of any kind of 'tune' in the game (though RE4 did have a few nice ones... 'Serenity', 'Infiltration' and the game loading theme.
              Was disappointed the recent-ish Sound Chronicle didn't include the little Options Menu track from RE3, as dispite only being used in the options menu, is one of the more memorable tracks in the game!


                Command & Conquor - Mechanical Man
                Jet set radio future - The concept of love
                Metroid Prime - Phendrana drifts
                Ridge racer type 4 - Your vibe
                Shenmue - Theme
                Sonic 2 - Hill top zone
                Mario 64 - Dire, Dire, Docks
                Vib Ribbon - Laugh & Beats
                Wipeout Pure - Onyx
                Tomb Raider - Theme
                Daytonna USA - Let's go away
                Silent Hill 3 - Opening

                They are some of my favourites but there's a lot of gret retro music I can't even rember!


                  I like loads of stuff and i can't remember the names of specific tracks but some of the ones i'm listening to alot at the moment are:

                  Gradius III (although every Gradius game has good music)
                  Under Defeat
                  Thunder Force (all of them)
                  FFV - clash on the big bridge

                  Also not strictly a game soundtrack as its arranged but i love the Rogue Galaxy arranged cd.


                    Like everybody else, I have far, far too many favourites to just pick five from, so I'm going to give another vote to any music from the original SFII coin-ops (World Warrior/Champion Edition/Turbo Hyper Fighting). For me, those tracks define an era in gaming which none of us will ever see again imho.

