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Metal Gear Solid 4 (Guns of the Patriots)

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    The article is from EGM, its probably false or based around that old Kojima article where he says MGS4 is technically possible on MGS4.
    Last edited by El Leone; 30-10-2006, 09:40.


      It's all rumours, but it would be fantastic news. (For me at least!)


        Originally posted by El Leone
        It's from EGM, its probably false or based around that old Kojime article where he says MGS4 is technically possible on MGS4.
        Is this in code or something?


          I Don't see whats so hard to understand about it. I'm saying its probably bull****.


            MGS4 is possible on MGS4? Sorry, still don't get it.

            Got it now, the link on the previous page says MGS4 possible on XBox 360.


              Technically? Yeah it is. Otherwise I'm agreeing with you, I don't see it happening.

              Edit: eh, nvm
              Last edited by El Leone; 30-10-2006, 09:39.


                If and its a big IF Konami execs are interested in the title going multiformat then I don't see why it would not happen. Sony do not seem to of faught for the GTA exclusive, a series which I beleive outsells MGS quite dramatically, so why would they fight to keep MGS exclusive, and not allow it over to Xbox360.


                  of course its not possible on 360.

                  Its only possible because of the cell, the cell is the secret to winning the war dont you know


                    Would be great news but even if 360 doesn't get MGS4 then i still think the chances of us getting MGS4 substance would be high.


                      Originally posted by Simmy
                      If and its a big IF Konami execs are interested in the title going multiformat then I don't see why it would not happen. Sony do not seem to of faught for the GTA exclusive, a series which I beleive outsells MGS quite dramatically, so why would they fight to keep MGS exclusive, and not allow it over to Xbox360.
                      Exactly, if it can happen with GTA it can happen with MGS for sure. Times are changing and Xbox has a much larger market share now than it used to - Konami would be extremely foolish to ignore that.

                      There might be a question over how good a conversion Konami would offer, - remember the shoddy super lazy effort on MGS2 Xbox... but the 360 is of course easily capable of MGS4. There's very little shader work on display and not even that many polys, it's all in the art direction. (as usual)


                        Don't know why folks would doubt the 360 could handle this ! The GOW trailer just released is a similar cinematic use of an in game engine to all the footage so far seen of MGS4, and is if anything of higher quality IMO !


                          Think this'll depend how many PS3's are installed in peoples homes in the run-up to launch !!!

                          I'd be interested to see how quick & easy porting PS3 code to 360 can be done !!!


                            Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko
                            There's very little shader work on display and not even that many polys, it's all in the art direction. (as usual)
                            not many polys? snakes mustache has more polys than a mgs3 enemy, like 3500


                              Originally posted by kernow
                              snakes mustache has more polys than a mgs3 enemy, like 3500
                              Read that back to yourself >_<

                              Don't believe the hype.

                              3500 polys * 60fps = 210,000 polygons per second to draw a moustache.

                              Cut scenes maybe, in game no.
                              Last edited by Yoshimax; 30-10-2006, 12:42.


                                The Cell Moustachio Engine

                                There you go Sony I'll give you that one for free 8)

