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    Originally posted by Oh! My Car!
    13:25 - Ah! Logan's back and she's showing us Tennis. She's bandying around the names 'Tim Henman' and 'Greg Rezetski' - a name I've never needed to spell before. Logan's just spend a good five minutes hunting around for a bunch of avatars bearing likenesses to them. And now the curtains have just whizzed open and there's a fake tennis court on stage! Guess who's there! Yup, REAL LIVE TENNIS STARS!
    How much do you think they got paid for their credibility?


      Originally posted by DavidFallows
      And really... Who cares about the weather when you're indoors playing games?

      OMGz!! It's just hit me! Imagine real time weather effects in games such as Animal Crossing. Come to my town and it'll be pissing it down, just like it would be in Burnley at said time.

      Imagine flight games where you actually had to wait for warm, sunny days before taking the hang-glider out. It'll be linked to the interweb so no cheating by modifying settings like you would on time dependent games.
      Now that would be ace! Would make games so different every time you play it.

      BUTTTT when playing online, what happens? Your in sunny England with hot hot weather and I'm up in pouring wet dark Scotland, bit of a disadvantage playing online racing or something!


        so they're playing tennis. sounds like henman and rudeski are losing...


          Now that is realling pushing it !




              been a while since we have an update, wonder if they got EMP'd


                13:29 - My fingers are starting to hurt now. ANYWAY, there's a game of - ohmygodyou'dneverhaveguessed - Wii Tennis going on now against Tim and Greg and Fischer and Shibata. It's all a RIGHT LARK. Incidentally, hilARIous incident earlier - one of Tim Henman's balls flew off the stage and nearly gave the person behind me concussion just after I posted the last update. Back to the game though: Tim and Greg are losing with 30-15. 30-30 now. Tell you what, I'll just post again when we have a clear winner.


                  Originally posted by Rossco
                  BUTTTT when playing online, what happens? Your in sunny England with hot hot weather and I'm up in pouring wet dark Scotland, bit of a disadvantage playing online racing or something!
                  Depends on who's host now doesn't it.


                    Uchh I want to see them play!!


                      13:42.23 -
                      Advantage to Greg/Tim. Big rally. And the pros have it. "Do you want to see another game?" asks Gabby. YES.

                      30-0. "We're dominating" says Tim. Before missing a service return. And a few laughs and balls in the crowd later, the pros lose.

                      Laurent Fischer's back. Wii launch Europe details coming now, he says.

                      Launch titles: Wii Sports, Wii Play (the mini-games package with bundled Wii remote). Zelda...


                        how long is the conference supposed to last?


                          Originally posted by Rossco
                          Uchh I want to see them play!!
                          I want to know the frigging price & release date of the console.


                            13:42.44 -
                            WarioWare: Smooth Moves (just after launch).

                            Third-party: around 15-20 games from launch. Red Steel. Rayman. Need for Speed Carbon. Tony Hawk. Super Monkey Ball.

                            Date: 2006.

                            December 8th 2006.

                            EUR 249 / GBP 179

                            Bundles is white console, one Wii remote, one Nunchuck, Wii Sports.

                            Between 49 and 59 Euros for software. 34 for 39 pounds.




                                And there it is

