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Nintendo Wii

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    Oui oui, it is indeed pronouced "Wee". The sort of noise you make when going down a water slide. Why, they called it Wii, we have no idea.
    Another way to get the way wii is said is to think of a polite way to say, "I'm going for a piss".


      Yet in this case Japanese doesn't have a 'w' sound to fit so its going to be proununced uii by the locals.


        pfffffft i don't see whats wrong with the name, i was wanting it to be called the Nintendo Penetration


          More on this at CVG


            Originally posted by Kaladron
            It's pronounced "We"
            Yeah, I think we need to get used to calling it 'we' and not 'weee'.

            This is going to be a challenge.


              Originally posted by PeteJ
              I have not read any of this thread, but I'd like to add my dislike for the name.

              Nintendo Wii looks alright I suppose, but Nintendo We is meh-tastic.

              I keep thinking it says WI too, which is a whole new ball game of knitting, cakes and naked calenders.
              I keep thinking of WII. Don't mention the war!


                a bit of a shocker tbh, just goes to show the effort that can be put in and still get paid mighty big bucks for.


                  I bet it was NCL that came up with the name, oblivious to the fact that it means something entirely different in the anglophone world, which may well be its biggest market.

                  It's not surprising as my town has a pub named Fanny, so the Japanese really are clueless about branding. I'll take a pic one of thse days and post it on here.


                    Last edited by jimmbob; 28-04-2006, 11:59.


                      Originally posted by Tom Mix 1969
                      I'm pretty sure you're wrong. It's the name wii will ALL be using.
                      Nah, they'll change the name for the west.


                        So facts:

                        First time you see it, you don't even know how to pronounce it. Unlike ipod, playstation, xbox etc.

                        It's spelt wrong. If it's it's about "we", why didn't they just call it "we"? It smacks of skanky shop names where they've replaced s with z just because some idiot told them it looks cool e.g. sk8erz

                        They don't expect you to understand until you've had a go on it "hands on". Except most people never play a console before they buy one. How the hell are they going to have demo pods in game shops for the Wii? People will just run off with the remote.

                        Come E3, we are all going to see some games for it and all forget about the name and all stick our cash down for one


                          Nah, they'll change the name for the west.
                          That is based on what?
                          i always though that consoles are a worldwide brand, like Playstation, and not given different alias. could be wrong mind


                            Wired controllers. (In response to charlesr)


                              hey, mega drive got changed to genesis right? could work i guess



                                Originally posted by Shin Gouki
                                Nah, they'll change the name for the west.
                                You've got to stop kidding yourself. It's right up there on, and US Nintendo reps have been giving interviews saying this is the final worldwide name and it won't be changing.

