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First PSP Mod-Chip details

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    First PSP Mod-Chip details

    Obviously PSP is region free, the chip allows any version of firmware to be downgraded to 1.5 - meaning you can play anything, surely got to be a sod to fit.

    link for pic and bit more info

    Actually, I think the chip is just a second firmware flash, so you can run a newer firmware (like 2.7) in the machine, and have 1.5 on the mod, and switch between them.


      Nice - Might be worth hanging onto it after all.


        Some more info on this mod


          well when we found out about it last week on xbox-scene people thought it was fake, but that info seems to clear things up quite a bit

          so from that pic it looks like it's gonna squeeze in just above the wireless card...

          hopefully it won't be more than ?50... we can but dream

          it's quite funny reading those comments though, especially the ones 'attempting' to explain why modchips are either crap/harmful/warranty-busters, and the ones that are moaning about the playing of isos halting the introduction of psp2
          Last edited by randombs; 29-05-2006, 08:11.


            That looks like it'd struggle to fit inside the PSP casing, but then again I've never seen inside one so I don't know. Could it cause heating issues by filling up the free space in there?

            I might be tempted either way. This could give developers the chance to try out custom firmware without the risk of bricking the PSP and that could raise some interesting possibilities - native homebrew booting (as in 1.0) with full compatibility with the newer 2.7 games?


              I've always prefered the custom firmware idea to a modchip, but I suppose there's no money in that.


                Given that Sony keep requiring upgrades, custom firmware probably couldn't keep up.


                  Yeah, this way should let you just flick between them at will. Regardless of what games Sony release and what firmware updates they require you'll always be able to play all games and use the homebrew stuff.


                    you could stick custom firmware on the chip though, shakey.

                    i saw the pic of the chip inside the psp and it looked quite snug. hopefully it won't be like the dms ezi where it barely fits!

                    Neko, it looks fine where it is - just above the wifi card. also, i'd think it'll run a little differently considering it is, in essence, just some flash memory with an extra chip that handles switching between it and the psp's onboard flash when you boot holding L...

                    maybe the chip will have some form of auto-shutoff like the ps2 chips, while keeping the flash functioning as normal?


                      more info and buying links here

                      Don't expect to install this without some work, as there will be "23-24 wires to install."
                      fiddly as fook springs to mind


                        I'll believe it needs 23-24 wires when I see it. If it does then it's going to seriously limit it's potential.


                          i wouldn't be surprised if it does. anyone remember the old 24-wire dc chips

                          can't see how more wires limits the potential of the chip though. if you mean the number of people who'll end up owning one then probably yeah, but in terms of what it'll be able to do, the number of wires can only decrease over time...


                            24 wires, eech, thats a lot to fit in that wee case, along side the board and chip. I'm rather intrested in dusting of the PSP and trying this, but think I'll wait until the chips advance further.


                              installation instructions etc for anyone interested, didn't count the number of wires myself

