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another Acclaim wonder

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    Well, Pigeons have been used to carry messages for thousands of years Dazzla, so I suppose if I was pendantic enough I could try to win the argument that way.

    I dunno tbh, I tend to equate originality with producing something which is not only new but also appeals to people on a level they never expected, truly original ideas are often subtle yet brilliant - they don't need to dive into your face as they put their point across so easily. Acclaim's tactics remind me of John Doe's speech in the macbre film Seven - "you can't tap someone on the shoulder to get their attention anymore, you have to smash them in the face with a sledgehammer', with the Shadowman campaign it was almost as though they wanted people to be offended, so they'd look up and see who was smacking their sensibilities.

    Great ad campaigns can be shocking and bold, of course, but with a company like Acclaim all it seems to signify, to me anyway, is an effort to turn attention away from how weak the games actually are, ironically even the one or two that are actually quite good are smeared by these absurd campaigns ( anyone remember Acclaim encouraging drivers to speed in an attempt to promote Burnout2? ).


      Did Acclaim actually go ahead with the Shadowman gravestone business ? I thought I heard that they weren't allowed to, or backed out of it or something ...

      If that was the case - I think that maybe their tactic here is to just hoax up another outrageous plan which they'll be unable to go through with 'due to the authorities' ...

      Result : all manner of discussion in places like this about the Virtua Tennis campaign without actually having to have one at all ~



        I thought the graveyard thing was disgusting. Imagine going to the grave of your recently deceased loved one and discovering some arsehole has used it as a platform to advertise a stupid video game.

        I for one would be livid.

        No wonder Acclaim never followed though on that one, they would've had the crap sued out of them.

