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When "easy" achievement points go wrong!

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    When "easy" achievement points go wrong!

    It's pretty much a given that EA games are usually easy pickings for points, or so one thought. Many of which aren't really what you would call "keeper" games, with possibly the exception of Fight Night (which I've still yet to rinse for points!).

    In anycase, my "easy pickings" came to an abrubt halt, when I encountered 2006 FIFA World Cup's Global Challenge mode.

    If I had to summarise this experience, it would be easy. Evil. Pure evil. Without a doubt the most frustrating 360 experience yet!!1!

    It'd be somewhat bearable if the game was decent, but it isn't. The mechanics are all over the place, the pace lacking and generally it's a complete load of bug-ridden bollocks. But the completist in me says I must see this challenge, notably the notorious Aussie Challenge Rules one, through to the bitter end, even at the risk of a few damaged wireless controllers -- and it's come close.

    It's going to be a hard slog, which brings me to my next point. Are we now at a point if we do acquire a **** game, those of us who have a passing interest in the Gamerscore are happy enough to rinse it, then sell it on as opposed to avoiding it altogether and treating it with the contempt it probably deserves?

    I admit it: I'm a Gamerscore whore. Even though I have a paltry 3120 at the mo, whenever I'm playing a game, I'm looking to get achievements.

    If you want to talk about evil EA achievements, look no further than Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2006.

    15 Online Win Streak?!? No chance unless you and a friend are deliberately losing to each other. Win an online tournament? When the average winning score is 20 under par, won by people who seem to be retrying the tournament up to 100 times, I don't think I'm going to be winning one anytime soon. Play 1000 online matches? That's right, one thousand! I've had the game since December, and I've played almost 80.


      I know very little of the way the point system works on the 360 but, yeah, I think your last question is totally valid. Games, in my opinion, should be fun. Not work. Work (for the most part) is something you do because you expect compensation at the end of it.

      If you're just trawling through a game for some gamer points, rather than because you really enjoy the experience, then you may as well just go to work and earn actual cash. I actually feel the same about unlockables and collecting in games - they are often used as carrots in games that simply can't deliver on the experience alone.


        EA must have grown a pair, because whilst their earlier output you could get points for switching on, now they'll have you walking over hot coals for em'

        But it's 500 points at stake!!1!


          Originally posted by Bleeders

          In anycase, my "easy pickings" came to an abrubt halt, when I encountered 2006 FIFA World Cup's Global Challenge mode.

          If I had to summarise this experience, it would be easy. Evil. Pure evil. Without a doubt the most frustrating 360 experience yet!!1!
          I know EXACTLY how you feel, I've done about 75/80% of them but some are just plain ridiculous! 2-0 down with 15 minutes to go, and you have to win! Those ones are SO difficult because you are a **** team who can't string passes together!

          The worst thing was I thought I'd nearly completed it then I realised that on some of the "regions" you can scroll down and there are 8-10 not the 4 I thought there were that I'd already done!


            Originally posted by peeveen

            If you want to talk about evil EA achievements, look no further than Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2006.

            15 Online Win Streak?!? No chance unless you and a friend are deliberately losing to each other. Win an online tournament? When the average winning score is 20 under par, won by people who seem to be retrying the tournament up to 100 times, I don't think I'm going to be winning one anytime soon. Play 1000 online matches? That's right, one thousand! I've had the game since December, and I've played almost 80.
            That too actually! I couldn't get hardly an achievements on that, especially since I got bored of it quickly as well.


              Originally posted by Jebus
              I know EXACTLY how you feel, I've done about 75/80% of them but some are just plain ridiculous! 2-0 down with 15 minutes to go, and you have to win! Those ones are SO difficult because you are a **** team who can't string passes together!

              The worst thing was I thought I'd nearly completed it then I realised that on some of the "regions" you can scroll down and there are 8-10 not the 4 I thought there were that I'd already done!
              Yep, I know how you feel mate, I done that as well.

              I have no shame in admitting I tried the "tampering with the opposition" technique for a couple of em' since it was ridiculous trying to break down a 5-man defence that were playing like Brazil's long-lost cousins.


                the japanese games are brutal with achievements.

                I picked up Baseball spirits 3 (konami) - which incedentally, is fantastic - and i started to look at some of the achievements...

                hmm... 40 hour long season game - 100 or so points, 300 points for the 140 hour long season (eek!)

                but i found an achievement i though i could do
                simply score 20 homeruns in the practice mode.
                So i picked one of the Giants top batters , and away we go...
                it dawns on me pretty quickly that you need to hit 20 homeruns in a row... off 20 balls. 35 points i won't be getting!

                never mind, i though i'd try the pitching challenge... clear 4 boards...
                so i started off, didn't make a mistake on the first board, took out the 8 panles - but it dawns on me that "hey, i don't have enough balls to get through 4 boards!"...

                THATS RIGHT DC! you have to take out two panels on each throw... i got down to needing one more good throw to get the 35 pts for this one... and my pitcher came up with an error! the controller went for a wee test flight.


                  Originally posted by peeveen

                  If you want to talk about evil EA achievements, look no further than Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2006.
                  Damn straight!!! I think I've got like 50 points or something from that game so far.

                  I do hardly play it at all though, might put it on soon if you fancy an online game?

                  I used to be a gamerscore whore but I dont care anymore, in the last 2 months I've only got an extra 40 points or something, where as I had over 4000 in the few months before that, just couldnt be bothered anymore as some of the achievments are just PURE EVILL!!!


                    Gamer points had exactly that affect on me, it felt like games had become a job and it got to the point where I was playing for 360 has now been sold to be replaced by a lovely DS-lite.


                      I love the achivements, it forces me to play games properly to get the most out of them. For example I completed Blazing Angels in three hours, but played a further twelve to get the game 100%. Likewise Amped3 and Call of Duty2.

                      Games like PDZ or GRAW have badly designed achivements imo - #1 in the world? Yeah right. At least make them achiveable!


                        I like the achievements, but I'll never buy a game just because of them. I've heard some EA Sports games are notoriously easy to get achievements, but I'll never know for sure as I'll never play them.

                        I'll also never spam achievements by setting up a game against a mate to win online achievements or leave the machine on for 8 hours, etc.

                        If you do that, then good luck to you, but if I started then time to get a new hobby...


                          In the middle of a hectic game of BF2 I spawned far back at the base in the hope of bagging a helicopter with which to rain down some swift justice on a sniper, only to come across this dude machine gunning a jeep then fixing it, moving on to a tank, etc. I followed him around watching his lonely quest in about some crazy frustrated mechanic wannabe!

                          Not been playing for achievements which is why I have only 200 odd points


                            It's cool if you wanna cain achievements of games you actually love. If your trying to rinse achievements and gamer points off games you don't particualry like, that's plain wrong in my opinion.

                            Gamerscores are good indicators though. People with high gamer scores are generally playing what I would consider to be generic, average crap, that I would probably be embarrassed to have put in my 360. This gives you an idea of the type of person that wants to add you, play you or what ever.

                            Infact, I'd have alot more respect for people who have played games such as King Kong 360, Tomb Raider and what ever else, with absolutely no acheivement or gamerpoints for it, as it's an indicator that this gamer is on my wave length and couldn't tolerate playing this crap long enough to gain an acheivement.


                              But a lot of players think those games are very good. What you're saying is that you only want to play with other players who have exactly the same taste in games as you?

