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Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting Xbox Live

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    i haven't had any quitters since the update. mainly cos i've had about 5 ranked matches since the update as there's hardly anyone there anymore. i'm wondering if they all saw their reset scores and thought 'bugger it i'm not going through that all over again' and jumped onto quarter match mode


      I've had a couple of quiters this week, my first actually.... Tsk.


        I've had no problems finding ranked matches, managed 150 ish in the last couple of days...
        Not had any quitters either, though it doesn't matter if they quit, you still get the win.

        Edit: In fact, I've not had anyone quit since I last played Billy...
        Last edited by Psyduck; 30-08-2006, 17:49.


          That's great, never experienced quitters anyway as I was so crap so but it's nice to know there's no incentive for em.

          The timeout's are definitely fixed for me, didn't have a single one when I played a few last night (or the other night I can't remember)


            Originally posted by Psyduck
            I've had no problems finding ranked matches, managed 150 ish in the last couple of days...
            Not had any quitters either, though it doesn't matter if they quit, you still get the win.

            Edit: In fact, I've not had anyone quit since I last played Billy...
            I think I had a match with you last night Psyduck.....You absolutely trashed me with Sagat IIRC.

