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The Halo saga...

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    The Halo saga...

    Having just finished reading "Halo - The Fall of Reach" I was compelled to replay the both Halo games. Having a better understanding of the Chiefs origin and the rise of the Covenant adds so much to the whole Halo universe and I just had to play through the games again. The book is awesome by the way and highly recommended to anyone who enjoyed the games or is a fan of Halo.

    Just finished "Assault on the control room" last night and I cant quite believe that after so many years and countless other FPS titles there is nothing that can touch the sheer adrenaline this and "The Silent Cartographer" create... the music, the enemies, the setting, the action, its an absolutely perfect blend of all the right things and my understanding of the Chiefs history just adds so much more it. I am appreciating things so much more and have got The Chiefs array of moves and weapons down to a T, from weapon reload timings to the pattern for taking out specific squads of Covenant, I have the fella moving the way he should and am getting so much more out of the game for it. Didnt really finish the game properly the first time so am really looking forward to getting the full story at the end this time. Everything about this game was so far ahead of its time all those years ago and the amount of enjoyment I am getting out of playing through it again is insane.

    Plan is to finish Halo, read "Halo - First Strike" which is set between Halo 1 and 2 then play through Halo 2. I am loving every single little detail in Halo again and it is only going to get better as I read the next book and play Halo 2.

    I feel now I didnt appreciate this game as much as I should have on first play and for that Bungie I apologise... the message you tried to get through to me all those years ago has finally hit home... Halo is legendary, The Chief is a God and I am now yours to command... so hurry up and get Halo 3 on the shelves so we can bring this party to a conclusion cause I dread to think how I will feel when I get to the end of this amazing ride that the books and games are taking me on.

    So, if you want to appreciate these games more than you have doen already get into these 2 books and read and play the games following the timeline of The Cheif... it will blow you away!!

    Anyone else on the same journey as me??

    after seeing your thread on the fall of reach i went and picked it up and have just started reading it. recently got the graphic novel as well.

    i'm planning to replay the first halo after finishing the book, i much prefer the atmosphere and style of the first one

    the silent cartographer is one of my favourite levels in a game ever, i've played that on it's own numerous times

    me and my long time halo comrade have also started playing through halo 2 coop again as the online multiplayer has become really dull IMO


      The Halo novels are fun, but the second one 'The Flood' is probably the weakest of them. I thought the graphic novel was pretty poor to be honest.


        Am steering well clear of "The Flood" book as it only covers the stuff that I am playing through in the game... plus it is by a different author so you know it aint gonna be as good as the other 2.

        My memory of The silent cartographer was sketchy before last night so my jaw hit the floor on a number of occasions as I stomped, shot and beat my way through waves of Covenant forces, hehe. I didnt realise till the end of the level but I had a smile on my face the entire time, hehe.

        Copemon - You should love the book, the hisrory it gives you to The Cheif and the SPARTANs, etc could not have been any better and as a prelude to the game it is perfect. Am hoping for a seamless adventure from the start of book 1 to the end of Halo 2 and so far I could not be happier or more impressed. I recommend everyone does the same!!


          Originally posted by chopemon
          me and my long time halo comrade have also started playing through halo 2 coop again as the online multiplayer has become really dull IMO
          I'd argue Halo1 co-op is a far better experience - must've played Silent Cartographer over 50 times in the space of a month with Camster99 on legendary.

          People moaned about them reusing the levels but WHAT levels they were


            Originally posted by Mardigan8
            Am steering well clear of "The Flood" book as it only covers the stuff that I am playing through in the game... plus it is by a different author so you know it aint gonna be as good as the other 2.
            Introduces some plot points and characters that aren't in the game, but that you'll need to know if you're going to understand the third book properly. It's still a decent read, it's just not as good as the other two.


              Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
              I'd argue Halo1 co-op is a far better experience - must've played Silent Cartographer over 50 times in the space of a month with Camster99 on legendary.

              People moaned about them reusing the levels but WHAT levels they were
              indeed it is but we've done that game a couple of times now and not played through the entirety of halo 2's campaign together

              the halo 1 coop sessions were some of the best fun gaming sessions i've had. especially the warthog dream team levels. i'm a fairly good driver and he's a good gunner and he also has a talent for getting warthogs where they weren't meant to go on levels. seeing a group of Covenant diving for cover as we race down some tight corridor is excellent

              the only level that really pissed me off was the library, that was just lazy, everything else was top


                the author of fall of reach is the writer MS assigned to Gears of War and t3h Cliffster says he's doing a good job


                  Originally posted by chopemon
                  the author of fall of reach is the writer MS assigned to Gears of War and t3h Cliffster says he's doing a good job
                  JESUS, did NOT know that... fantastic news... his **** in the books is awesome. My anticipation for Gears is already at its peak but this has sent it spinning wildy out of control, hehe.

                  Shame he not involved in the work for the movie, or is he?

                  Really looking forward to finishing Halo and getting into "First Strike" book, was really unhappy when "Fall of Reach" came to an end.


                    Halo 1 on legendary was the finest single player gaming experience I've ever had. I found Halo 2 massively dissapointing. Here's hoping the 3rd one lives up to the first, although I'm not holding my breath as most of the effort these days seems to be put into to multiplayer aspect which doesn't interest me in the slightest.


                      Originally posted by moonwhistle
                      Halo 1 on legendary was the finest single player gaming experience I've ever had. I found Halo 2 massively dissapointing. Here's hoping the 3rd one lives up to the first, although I'm not holding my breath as most of the effort these days seems to be put into to multiplayer aspect which doesn't interest me in the slightest.
                      What more of an overhaul does the multiplayer need other than live co-op. Hopefully they will concentrate on the Single player portion, use the fantastic multiplayer set-up they already have and add live co-op... you really couldn't ask for them to do anymore than that and it isn't asking them too mcuh.

                      The problem with Halo 2 was that after a few stonking opening sections on Earth it resorted back to the familiar setting of Halo land and structures... if they make the SP more diverse with all new settings and scenarios then we should be in for a treat!!


                        I think people are unfairly harsh on Halo 2 to be honest. Sure, it definitely isn't the classic the original was, but it's far from being a turkey in single-player.


                          By no means am I calling Halo 2 a turkey, I loved it and when I finish Halo, read First Strike and play it again I will no doubt be back in here raving about it again, but when compared strictly to Halo 1 it falls a wee bit short. It still knocks seven shades of **** out of any other FPS and hopefully Halo 3 will be the crowning jewel in the series crown!!

                          Reflecting back on the books it disappoints me a wee bit that the only time I may get to experience Master Chief fighting along side other SPARTANs in a story will be in the books, unless of course they have something planned for 3 or the movie which would be SWEEEEEEEEEEET!!


                            Incidentally, there's a fourth novel on the way...


                              Halo 2 wasn't a bad game, but compared to the first it was awful. The story was complete rubbish, the guns had no weight, and generally felt like bb guns. The stealth camo for the arbiter was pointless and not needed, the pistol was ruined and left for dead, and boss fights are so 90's. If it aint broke, don't fix it. I also hated the duel weilding. On the plus side the Flood looked and acted amazing in H2. But sadly the bollocks story and english speaking aliens will always set it totally apart from the amazing first game.

