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The Halo saga...

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    Interesting... hopefully it will be some kind of parallel story that comes to light in Halo 3, no need to re-tell the events from Halo 2.


      Given it's out before Halo3 I'd say it's unlikely. From what happens in First Strike, and the clues in that wiki page, I think I know what it's going to be about.


        Originally posted by Flabio
        Given it's out before Halo3 I'd say it's unlikely. From what happens in First Strike, and the clues in that wiki page, I think I know what it's going to be about.
        What? If it could potentially spoil First Strike never mind though


          So Halo 1 got put to bed last night, another step on my Halo journey. Absolutely jaw dropping final few levels of a monumental game. The final chase through the Autumn and then the last stretch to the longsword fighter, fighting for your life as all goes to hell around you, amazing.

          Gonna start reading "First Strike" tonight then continue on with Halo 2... I love the Chief!!


            Originally posted by chopemon
            the only level that really pissed me off was the library, that was just lazy, everything else was top
            I always approved of the Library because it was such an endless slog. It just felt intense and almost claustrophobic first time through. It is repetitive, but I always enjoy it.


              The librabry was a great level for me... a bit different from most of the other levels with its tight corridors and almost on rails like gameplay but for me one of the most intense battles you have to fight in Halo. The final area, where the huge blast doors open to reveal an entire army of flood totally blew me away... I was shooting, punching, jumping and throwing grenades for my life at that bit, great twist in the gameplay. TBH, I dont think Halo has a weak section just some that are more outstanding than the others!!


                Originally posted by Mardigan8
                Anyone else on the same journey as me??
                welcome to the UNSC Spartan II team you're a bit late mate, but better now than never. both Nylund books are blast to read through and i am already eagerly waiting for the next one "Ghosts of Coral", which should be out at the end of october (according to amazon).

                one can only hope that Neill Blomkamp, the new director of the Halo movie, loves the Nylund stuff as much the fans do! i am wondering why Nylund was not approached to do the script for the film.


                  Originally posted by Uli
                  one can only hope that Neill Blomkamp, the new director of the Halo movie, loves the Nylund stuff as much the fans do! i am wondering why Nylund was not approached to do the script for the film.
                  Thinking the exact same thing myself mate, his stuff his superb.

                  Was already a big fan of the Halo having played the games but reading "The Fall of Reach" has totally opened up the world in a new light and my current path of book, game, book, game is really making me happy

                  Just about to kick off "First Strike" having jsut finished Halo1 last night. Also looking forward to Nylunds next book, hopefully give us some insight into some potential Halo3 storylines.


                    Originally posted by Mardigan8
                    Thinking the exact same thing myself mate, his stuff his superb.

                    Was already a big fan of the Halo having played the games but reading "The Fall of Reach" has totally opened up the world in a new light and my current path of book, game, book, game is really making me happy

                    Just about to kick off "First Strike" having jsut finished Halo1 last night. Also looking forward to Nylunds next book, hopefully give us some insight into some potential Halo3 storylines.
                    First Strike is even better than Fall of Reach - in my opinion. so, be prepared for a non-stop-action ride! basically First Strike closes the story gap between the 2nd book and the Halo 2 game. not many open questions are answered, but, as you said, a lot of potential storylines around other main characters, such as the doc or even other Spartans, shine through!


                      Originally posted by Uli
                      First Strike is even better than Fall of Reach - in my opinion. so, be prepared for a non-stop-action ride! basically First Strike closes the story gap between the 2nd book and the Halo 2 game. not many open questions are answered, but, as you said, a lot of potential storylines around other main characters, such as the doc or even other Spartans, shine through!
                      See, now THATS what im talking about... as much as I love The Chief and he has propeled himself to the forefront of my favourite gaming characters, its the OTHER SPARTANs I want to know about, Fred, Kelly, etc, what happened to them, did they survive Reach cause I know they didnt go down without one hell of a fight!!

                      To see the Chief being reunited with some of his SPARTANs in H3 would be the icing on a very beautiful cake.

                      Gonna start First Strike tonight, will probably not be able to sleep once start reading it


                        My theory is that Halo 2 was always going to be to be bad, as everyone and their granny just played Halo 1 to death. I know I did, on Xbox, then PC, then Mac, over and over again....

                        There's no way you can make it that fresh anymore with the Covenant and Flood yet again. Master Chief should have got a new bunch of guys to fight.

                        I'm picking up Halo 3, but I'm not that enthusiastic about it, because I've just put too many hours into this game series.

                        I'd read those books if they were on audio book, kinda lazy...


                          Originally posted by Mardigan8
                          To see the Chief being reunited with some of his SPARTANs in H3 would be the icing on a very beautiful cake.

                          Well, I think there must be other living Spartans. Some may have survived on Reach -the first book described loads of impenetrable bunkers that they could hide in. Also, the 1st book made a point of saying that, just before the attack on Reach, nearly all the Spartans were called to Reach. Therefore, some weren't even at Reach, when it was attached. So all in all, there is a lot of potential for others to be alive.

                          There is also potentially a whole load of new Spartan recruits that we don't know about. The first book mentions them very briefly. For all we know, they might not have even been trained on Reach. Perhaps, to keep the stealing kids aspect of the program secret they needed to train them somewhere slightly more low key now that the Chief's lot of Spartans became famous. In fact, that could be the reason why we have never seen them -because the Chief hasn't ever seen them.

                          Blimey that post was geeky.


                            Originally posted by Mardigan8
                            To see the Chief being reunited with some of his SPARTANs in H3 would be the icing on a very beautiful cake.
                            ... and would make a perfect setting for a potential 2-4 player co-op campaign mode - hopefully off- and online this time! wow, what a prospect this was!


                              Soi -In answer to your first bit, read First Strike, answers those questions nicely.

                              Cracking good stuff, like Mardigan I was already a big fan but the books really do open things out brilliantly.


                                I can't get excited about the upcoming novel and Halo3. Mostly because Halo2 practically destroyed the story the original Halo and Halo novels told so well.

                                I'm only interested in learning how they'll go about trying to salvage this wreck.

