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The Halo saga...

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    There was an interview with Nylund earlier this month over at Bungie, for those interested (think it's where teamxbox got the cover from).


      Just ordered Nylunds follow up to "First Strike"... "Ghosts of Onyx". Set years before Halo 2 and also a wee bit after it, it mentions a lot about other SPARTANs apparently. Looking forward to getting this now, be great to get back into the Halo saga and hopefully it will lay down some hints for events in Halo 3


        About 3/4 of the way throguh "Ghosts of Onyx" and just looking to see if anyone else has caught this yet?

        Absolutely loving it so far, a bit different from "Fall of Reach" and "First Strike" with less emphasis on the battle side of things and more on the darker more secret side of things going on, which I love by the way. Some real revelations in here and am praying to god they carry some of these fantastic themes into Halo 3 and dont just overlook such brilliant story arcs.


          Cool. My copy is currently on its way. I hope to have it tomorrow or Thursday.


            Any recommendations where to order it from? I should probably wait until I've finished reading the New Jedi Order series I'm working my way through but with the Halo 3 trailer on the go I'm keen for some new Halo material.



              I watched the Halo 3 trailer last night and immediately picked up "Ghosts of Onyx" and continued to read

              Play or amazon have been good for the Halo books and quick delivery.


                Bugger, forgot about Ghosts of Onyx.......

                /Dashes off to


                  Its a different publisher than the other Nylund books and the cover art was done in house by Bungie artists apparently, its looks superb and the actual content and story is even better


                    I've just ordered the first three books from Amazon US. At the current exchange rate it works out at about ?12.00 including shipping.


                      You're in for a treat, I think Nylund's a great author and he does a great job of expanding the Halo universe.



                        The Nylund books are fantastic... i sidestepped "The Flood" since Nylund didnt write that, opting to play through Halo again instead and felt the better for it. Reading "Fall of Reach", playing Halo then reading "First Strike" was brilliant. Along with "Ghosts of Onyx" you really do a get a fantastic feel for the back story of the Chief, SPARTANs, Covenant, etc and it builds up the universe nicely.

                        There is so much going on behind the scenes that "Ghosts" reveals, it really is setting up Halo 3 to be a bit special!!


                          I would recommend reading the Flood, I know people don't rate the author particularly highly but it basically fills you in what was happening on Halo while you were running about killing things. Such as how they got the Pillar of Autumn down, the resources off it, setting up their alpha base etc. It also gives you a view from the Covenant side as they go from believing humans to be useless infidels to appreciating that the Master Chief could actually present a threat.



                            Originally posted by JohnMcL7
                            I would recommend reading the Flood, I know people don't rate the author particularly highly but it basically fills you in what was happening on Halo while you were running about killing things. Such as how they got the Pillar of Autumn down, the resources off it, setting up their alpha base etc. It also gives you a view from the Covenant side as they go from believing humans to be useless infidels to appreciating that the Master Chief could actually present a threat.

                            See its only the covenant side of things I would be interested in so not sure if there is enough in there to get my interest. I would really like to see how the Covenant perceive The Chief as he is mowing across Halo but the rest of it doesn't appeal to me since the game covers the important stuff.

                            Gonna try get Ghosts finished for weekend, absolutely lovin it!!


                              The game only covers the view from the Master Chief, which is quite narrow given the rest of the events that were occurring - the humans and covenant were having pretty big battles while the MC was wandering around.



                                While I didn't think much of it, and wouldn't really recommend it to anyone I will admit that JohnMcl7 has a point here, there are some good interactions between the human characters and the whole 'Mad Commander' and the Spec Forces/Flood subplot is very cool actually. Very, very Aliens actually in terms of them wanting to study a Flood type dude.......But i'll leave it there as I don't want to spoil it.

