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    Surely it's more than possible to have moral qualms about killing and still go ahead with it? I mean, in real life I believe taking another human life is always morally wrong, no room for argument - doesn't mean I don't sometimes think it's necessary.

    Of course this was the thing with Manhunt for me - where I appreciate there's certainly room for analysis like Concept's infamous article but such analysis, when people do feel like it, usually goes much further than is warranted by anything in the game. It is glorifying the violence to some degree. It could be far subtler - sorry, I think if you seriously believe the game is built around just-enough-and-no-more you're at least partly kidding yourself. And the setup, while interesting, isn't that great - I could think of countless more challenging ways to implement a similar story while still using simple if X then 1 or if Y then 2 game design.

    Of course the main problem would be it's simply not that great a game. Take away the admittedly superlative audio and it's a horribly limited game of cat and mouse with some of the most appalling AI I've ever seen - nine times out of ten the game hardly bothers to make it anything less than obvious where the enemies will or will not go (even the original Thief did this miles better) and you can comfortably outrun any of them by just fleeing to the start of the level anyway.

    I played it to the end, and would probably want to give the sequel a try... but it was largely for the atmosphere, and that atmosphere was still sadly lacking, despite excelling in some respects. It is better than a lot of people gave it credit for, no question. But it's still not even slightly deserving of Edge's 8.

    EDIT: Oh, I also admit the use of the headset was inspired, and adds a lot to the experience. The PS2 had it, too... and you do know any input the microphone picks up counts as noise in the game, right?
    Last edited by Eight Rooks; 08-05-2007, 10:59.


      Just finished struggling through Gun on the 360. Such a lame, lazy game. You do wonder why poeple make sure games. Graphics are sub xbox never mind 360, story is totally unimportant and after halfway through the game I started to skip all the cut scenes. Easily the worst 360 game I have ever bought. Why did I buy it? It was ?3.95 and I thought I had bought the gamecube version. Still it was some failry easy achievement points, although I wont be going back to it ever again to grab all the points.


        Playing Okami on the PS2 which I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really love.

        The Wii is being serviced by Eledees, which is a great game. Can't wait to get stuck into the level editor.

        I'm also doing Hotel Dusk on the DS which I think is superb. The characterisation is exemplary and I really like the main dude.

        Oh, and Manhunt is WACK.


          Playing DMC3. It's hard as nuts but it's enjoyable in a ninja gaiden sort of way

          Never played a DMC before and i like it!


            Back on gears of war.New maps are great!


              Resistance: Fall of Man

              Just started through this again today and am up to the 'Outgunned' level. Absolutely loving it and it's even better than I remember. Played it through twice on Easy just to unlock all the weapons/wander round getting the intelligence files as it was my first proper FPS. Now I wish I'd got into the genre a lot sooner.

              Only 6 more intelligence files to get, but loads of the little achievements are needed still.

              Simple 2000 Series Vol.31 THE Chikyuu Boueigun

              All my save files got deleted when my Memory card decided to die on me, so I decided to start again with a new save on my PS3. Currently on around 63% having done the game on the 3 easiest difficulty levels. Now that I'm playing it through on hard, it really has jumped up in difficulty. Think I'm gonna have to do a few power up missions. If I remember correctly, level 11 is a pretty good one for power ups, so may go through that stage on hard a few times to get some extra HP.


                I semi-liked Gun, though I never finished it. I wouldn't call it bad exactly, but parts of it are definitely painfully close to mediocre... it depresses me it was the cowboy game all the kiddies went for (over Red Dead Revolver) since, you know, it's just like GTA!!1!1!!1!!!! olololo etc., etc. Christ, shoehorn a free-roaming aspect and "criminal activity" into any game and people'll just lap it up.

                I picked it up cheap recently on PS2 and might well go back to try and finish it off, but Red Dead was better by miles in my book. Call of Juarez, too.


                  MGS 2:Substance. I'm not sure I need to be very descriptive, as I'm sure you've ALL played it before. I've only ever played it in Japanese, and so didn't ever know what the hell was going on. I've watched all the cut scenes so far and I'm actually going to play it all the way through, which is a big thing for me nowadays. £10 well spent I say. English text ftw!

                  I'm playing about 20 DS titles currently. Little bit of each one. I just got Viewtiful J0e Scratch for £4 sealed all in, not bad by any means.
                  Last edited by J0e Musashi; 09-05-2007, 11:55.
                  Kept you waiting, huh?


                    Originally posted by J0e Musashi View Post
                    MGS 2:Substance. I'm not sure I need to be very descriptive, as I'm sure you've ALL played it before. I've only ever played it in Japanese, and so didn't ever know what the hell was going on. I've watched all the cut scenes so far and I'm actually going to play it all the way through, which is a big thing for me nowadays. ?10 well spent I say. English text ftw!
                    Even in English I'm not sure anyone knows what's going on.

                    Great game though


                      Originally posted by Geoff D View Post
                      Even in English I'm not sure anyone knows what's going on.
                      Ha ha!

                      Ok then, well I kinda know what's going on now. That was a close one.
                      Kept you waiting, huh?


                        Started FFXII the other night after finishing God of War 2. It was either this or Okami but I decided to start this I had, had it longer (Okami will probably be the next PS2 game I play)

                        Not really sure what to make of it yet as I haven't progressed far enough into it to make an honest assesment. I just got my ass handed to me on a plate by the fire horse in the sewers so it looks like I either have to configure my gambits better or go and level up a little to make the battle easier. I haven't noticed any issues playing on a PAL PS3 either


                          I started GC Rogue Leader RSII last week as a spare time diversion. There are few action/shooter games of this type which have annoyed me so much - it looks superb for a last gen game but the gameplay is just so horribly bitty. Missions are cut up into v.short sub-sections with often initially uncertain objectives, unclear failure criteria, tight time limits and fragile spacecraft with weird handling characteristics mean you basically have to learn a mission by rote for success. It's almost a though they done all that to cover up the fact the actual flight time is incredibly short.

                          I've worked my way to the last main mission - it involves tunnel flying which I usually like but the way it's done it epitomises the joyless slog this game has been for me.

                          Strangely I was using my DC the other day and put in the generally unappreciated Millenium Soldier: Expendable - a relatively simple ground based shooter I haven't touched for years. Quite intense, mostly, although not always, brainless action but fun and Instantly addictive. I found myself wasting a couple of hours on it and had more enjoyment than Rogue Leader RSII has given me in a week of play.


                            I'm playing Ridge Racer 7 at present. Have to say I wasn't too impressed when I first started playing it as it looked way too familiar. And anoterh disappointment was the feeling that it wasn't the game I'd seem screenshots of. In particular I'm referring to a moody night-time shot full of dark blues with bright red lines of light tracing across it. That shot looked like a different game, initially, but now has become a familiar sight.

                            But now it's unfolding, delivering more challenge, more cars, more speed, more events, more diversity, I'm finding it increasingly difficult to switch the thing off. I've just got to the extreme, unofficial races, and I love the extra layer of complexity and character they provide over the basic 14 car races.

                            The best arcade (arcade style) games deliver a sense of the big occasion, and in Ridge Racer 7 I can't help but get caught up in the whole 'event'. The trademark visual style, both in the cars & logos and the districts the races take place in, and the pounding music, it all adds up to deliver an overall vibe that is unmistakebly Ridge Racer. And as much as I love pretty much all of the series, it is great to have some of that garish colour back from the early days (who want's gritty realism in a RR game?).

                            And for a gamer who holds little/no interest in online gaming it's fantasic to have so much single-player content.

                            Really feeling the love for Ridge Racer again. And with Virtua Fighter 5 in the mix, it's all very 1994, in all the best ways.


                              Originally posted by fallenangle View Post

                              Strangely I was using my DC the other day and put in the generally unappreciated Millenium Soldier: Expendable - a relatively simple ground based shooter I haven't touched for years. Quite intense, mostly, although not always, brainless action but fun and Instantly addictive. I found myself wasting a couple of hours on it and had more enjoyment than Rogue Leader RSII has given me in a week of play.
                              I tried to play this recently as well as it looked like a One style shooter on the PS1, didnt like it at all - it had none of the spectacular explosions and set pieces the other game had plus none of the rage, a mode where the player would go schitz. Could have been so much better.


                                I just finished playing Deus Ex. I was never able to play the game during its hey-day, but about year ago I bought used copy for PC. I must say that this is truly one of the finest FPSs / WRPGs created. Mission design especially is terrific, with multiple ways to solve any situation, and giving freedom to player to do his own choices.
                                Last edited by elkatas; 09-05-2007, 11:46.

