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The Great PS3 Info Hunt

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    The Great PS3 Info Hunt


    Having decided to check out launch titles on Lik Sang the other day and realising it was basically a blank page it struck me that this time last year was information overload on the 360 - I can remember thinking how far November seemed away in August.

    There's plenty of information regarding the wii so far so I was hoping we could have some fun here by trying to source as much ACCURATE information regarding PS3 as possible and maybe debunk some myths into the bargain ?

    My works firewall means I can't access 99% of the decent gaming sites (bar this one of course ) so for now I'll need to leave it to you guys.

    Things like confirmed launch titles, how the online will work (seems to be debate of a live ripoff versus a per-game setup) and what accessories will be available etc etc...

    As I understand it online will work the same way the current PS2 online works. It's up to the developers to make the best of it. On the PS2 I can only think of one developer that has managed to do this, and that's Square-Enix.


      There really isnt much info at all atm, which is both annyoing and scary. I wanna preorder a unit but its up in the air atm so i dont know where i stand. Plus there isnt any confirmed launch titles yet.


        Yes - I wondered if the result of this would be that "the info is that there is no info"



          Whether any of these make it is up for debate though.


            Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
            Yes - I wondered if the result of this would be that "the info is that there is no info"
            it's all a Russian conspiracy.

            i agree that it is quite strange that there is no massive hype machine striding the world like a badly-shaped colossus. maybe it's a change of direction for Sony, instead of bombarding everywhere with ads, they are letting places like this spread The Message - but considering what some people have been saying about the price etc. their weasel ad-men (and women) may have to rethink their weasel strategy.

            saying that, the press will probably be full of adverts and promo pieces next week :/


              Only concrete info I have is that it released on November 17th.


                History will repeat itself in that there'll be a new Ridge Racer game at launch, that's for sure. What the other launch games will be is anyone's guess.


                  Arse - posting in the wrong place.


                    I expect TGS will hold some answers for the launch. If it doesn't, then I think the fuel on the fire that Sony are beginning to lose their grip and aren't behind schedule will only burn all the more.


                      Originally posted by Darwock
                      As I understand it online will work the same way the current PS2 online works. It's up to the developers to make the best of it. On the PS2 I can only think of one developer that has managed to do this, and that's Square-Enix.
                      The server system does, but as I've pointed out before, the PS3 uses a system similar to Xbox Live Marketplace.

                      Which on an off-note, Kaz Hirai's comments that MS follows wherever Sony ventures, rubs me up the wrong way in relation to this.


                        Originally posted by Darwock
                        As I understand it online will work the same way the current PS2 online works. It's up to the developers to make the best of it. On the PS2 I can only think of one developer that has managed to do this, and that's Square-Enix.
                        Sony announced that as definite a while ago. Then the 360 came out and didn't they back pedal, saying they would be providing a free service that will be better than Live (running scared)?


                          If it didn't that'd be suicide.

                          Still, onto page 2 and not a single hard fact yet

                          For the record I think they've SERIOUSLY mucked up this time - either that or they're going to deliver the bomb at TGS and blow MS and Ninty out the water - But I just don't see that happening.

                          I reckon we could see a delay or (perhaps more likely) a phased release with Japan getting it first in Nov and us lot getting it later.


                            Maybe more info will be forthcoming at the Leipzig Games Convention.


                              I am fairly sure that developers control their own service but it's funneled through a Sony-like wrapper (i.e. a content delivery system like Live), and that downloadable content (such as trailers, demos, game downloads and the like) are offered via the platform too.

