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The Great PS3 Info Hunt

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    Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
    I reckon we could see a delay or (perhaps more likely) a phased release with Japan getting it first in Nov and us lot getting it later.
    Not likely - it'd be a sign of weakness and a major PR boon for Microsoft and Nintendo. Sony will launch the PS3 worldwide, even if it means that Europe only gets about 1000 units or so to makeway for the focus of the real attention of Japan and the US. :P

    The ironic thing is of course is that Europe is probably the industry's most PS-centric market outside of Japan.


      They've got a couple of years before they see my money so there's no real hurry tbh. Is it coming out November this year or next? If its this year then the lack of info is a little worrying


        Next. :P

        It's when MGS4 and GTA4 are released and the good original content will start to filter through anyway.


          When is tgs this year anyway ?


            September 22-24.


              Originally posted by charlesr
              Sony announced that as definite a while ago. Then the 360 came out and didn't they back pedal, saying they would be providing a free service that will be better than Live (running scared)?
              On the Sony PS3 site it said quite clearly that it would be a free basic service.

              Originally posted by Sony PS3 US Site
              We are sticking with our philosophy of maintaining an open platform; the online basic services will be offered to PLAYSTATION 3 users free of charge.
              I'm guessing it'll be the equivalent of a silver 360 membership.


                I reckon we'll be seeing Devil May Cry 4 at TGS, so I'm interested to see how this is turning out, although "must-haves" on Day 1 will be thin on the ground, unless Ridge 7 is special!


                  Originally posted by Bleeders
                  I reckon we'll be seeing Devil May Cry 4 at TGS, so I'm interested to see how this is turning out, although "must-haves" on Day 1 will be thin on the ground, unless Ridge 7 is special!
                  Capcom said that DMC4 wouldn't make another appearance until E3 07.

                  What will they do now there isn't gonna be a proper e3?


                    Originally posted by EvilBoris
                    Capcom said that DMC4 wouldn't make another appearance until E3 07.

                    What will they do now there isn't gonna be a proper e3?
                    Teh ePS3!!1


                      Originally posted by EvilBoris
                      Capcom said that DMC4 wouldn't make another appearance until E3 07.

                      What will they do now there isn't gonna be a proper e3?
                      OMG DMC4 CANCELLED!


                        Good things about TGS, the information will be ready for us to read when we wake up (assuming you are not working at 5am)


                          Originally posted by Kongster
                          History will repeat itself in that there'll be a new Ridge Racer game at launch, that's for sure. What the other launch games will be is anyone's guess.
                          Ridge Racer 7 slipped into 2007 iirc.


                            If that turns out to be the case, what game(s) are gonna keep people entertained at launch?


                              A virtual Ken Kutaragi that spews pearls of wisdom & hyperbole?


                                Look at the state of it.

