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Who's getting a PS3 before Christmas?

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    This thread is about all launches.


      I'm pretty sure I can resist until vf5 is out. From that moment on, my money is theirs.


        Originally posted by bash
        Im talking about PAL launch, is this thread about all launches or just UK/EU?

        I still wish people were into TTT but the PAL had 50hz mode only, same as Ridge. Wouldnt have been a problem if I hadnt seen my mates JAP import before hand.
        I was talking about PAL launch as well.

        Yes most of the launch games were not 60hz but Tekken had AA on and looked better than the Japanese equlivent and despite Ridge having those massive boarders it was a lot faster.

        I know it's down to taste and I've long since been a supporter of PAL but those were very good games despite their glaring flaws.


          Originally posted by wush
          It's depressing to see "Singstar" as one of the seemingly important launch titles for a super next-gen hyper machine.
          I agree. But you must understand the hold it has over my wife and a load of my friends' other halves! My wife is hosting a competition this weekend...

          Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
          The funny thing about the singstar is that other than opening up the tracks available (no doubt at a per-track cost) there can't be anything "next gen" about it - it'll be more or less exactly the same as the PS2 version
          It will be in HD...

          Speaking as someone who has all six Singstars in his flat(Original, Party, Popworld, 80s, Rocks and Anthems) and will no doubt get the upcoming Legends on release, paying per track sounds a good idea. Each Singstar (apart from the skany Anthems) has 30 songs, and sell for ?20 rrp. Out of those 30, 10 will probably be songs that no one we know ever sings.

          Paying for just the songs you want (at iTunes prices, i.e. 79p) would work out cheaper. Well, at least it might.


            I'll get one.

            In 2010.


              They'll prolly cost ?2 a song tho meaning ur better off getting 30 tracks for ?20 rather than 10 for ?20.

              No PS3 for me until it has 5 games I want availible in the shops and a price tag of ?249.99 or less.


                Are you getting PS3 by Christmas?
                Nope. My first concern is about build quality. Official word is that the PS3 isn't in production yet, and with such a complex console I'd wait at least a year before thinking to buy it.
                So far there aren't games that really interest me and that price tag is a bit too high, too.
                As for modchips, the PS3 should be region-free, and I hope completely region free, not a X360-like region free, so this is an other thing that will make me wait.
                If things go as with the PS2, I'll buy it when there will be a Disgaea for that console.


                  Originally posted by Smegaman
                  They'll prolly cost ?2 a song tho meaning ur better off getting 30 tracks for ?20 rather than 10 for ?20.
                  You are probably right...

                  For the record, and in case anyone thinks otherwise, I am not going to spend ?425 + games just for Singstar...


                    Good to see new members getting stuck in.

                    I'll believe it's region free of any sort when I've seen it with MY OWN EYES. Sony said they weren't going to do any sort of Live thing and leave it all up to the publishers, but soon changed their mind on that. There's nothing to stop them changing their mind on the region stuff. If it turns out to be region free even for Sony games, it'll be a huge step. Please Sony, don't let us down!


                      If the "waiting for a price drop" stays as top choice, I'll do another poll for "what price are you waiting for the ps3 to reach before purchasing?" (so save your discussion on that aspect for the next thread).


                        Originally posted by charlesr
                        Good to see new members getting stuck in.

                        I'll believe it's region free of any sort when I've seen it with MY OWN EYES. Sony said they weren't going to do any sort of Live thing and leave it all up to the publishers, but soon changed their mind on that. There's nothing to stop them changing their mind on the region stuff. If it turns out to be region free even for Sony games, it'll be a huge step. Please Sony, don't let us down!
                        Harrison confirmed that it is up to publishers to region code in a recent interview. I can't find a link though

                        As for Sony games being region free, is Resistance a Sony published game? Apparently it's going to be 1 SKU with all languages on it. (OT:It supposedly weighs in at 22GB )

                        It's rumoured that 1st/2nd-party PS3 titles will all be region free and have all the languages on one disc.
                        Last edited by Geezer; 22-08-2006, 15:19.


                          Region free ? No chance - I'll eat my 360 if that happens.


                            Singstar is a much bigger deal in the US as none of the six versions have ever been released there.

                            The current percentage of posters on this board who will purchase a PS3 before Christmas is just over 5% . I can't believe it will stay that way. Some people will sway once more news about the games arrives.

                            Charles, you should run this poll again after TGS.


                              Nothing shown at TGS could possibly change my mind, not whilst the console is still priced at over ?400.


                                I haven't make a decision yet, as I am waiting for Tokyo Games Show information.

                                I plan to work my floating week off at work from last week of October which will give me more than double pay for a week. I could use it to buy Wii and Ps3. But I haven't decided on PS3 yet.

                                I might decide to hang on until spring but not sure.

