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Who's getting a PS3 before Christmas?

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    I just don't feel like there's any reason why i would buy one.With all the quality software hitting the 360 this holiday,the PS3 launch looks like a joke quite frankly.

    It feels like manufactured hype.What exactly is the PS3 bringing at launch,that i should be excited about? i'm sorry to bring this quote up again but i just can't get it out of my head whenever i think of the PS3 launch.

    David Reeves: "We have built up a certain brand equity over time since the launch of PlayStation in 1995 and PS2 in 2000. The first five million are going to buy it, whatever it is, even if it didn't have games."

    Sony,drop the price and stick out some worthwhile content and i'll be interested.


      I'll be waiting for something I just have to play that's also system exclusive and if there's a price drop at the same time, then that'll be even better.


        as soon as they have a game... THAT I MUST HAVE ..... I'll buy one, till that time I think (hope) that my 360 will keep me busy enough.

        that said, I think I'll probably will get one (Heavenly Sword did look very interesting...) but for sure not at launch, because at launch I will be very busy playing Forza2 and Gears of War !


          Can you add an option to that poll

          "yes, to sell on ebay to some buffoon who thinks it is worth ?1500"


            sorry, what are the launch titles so far?


              In one year price cut and silver model, Nine months later white model, then slimline maybe at half the price dont see the point of getting one at launch as Sony use their launches to get what they can when they can


                I'm waiting for the price cut, and tbh, i'd probably wait for the price cut even if there were a few titles worth picking up, it's just so over priced IMO.

                Even if you wanted one before Christmas, it isn't going to be that easy, is it?


                  Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
                  Region free ? No chance - I'll eat my 360 if that happens.
                  I'll hold you to that Yoshi

                  Have one on preorder, although launch lineup (or rather lack of) is very worrying


                    Have one on preorder,
                    No one has yet sony are running a 24 hour pre-order campaign one per person, and they haven't started it yet there will be no free stock so if you paid money i would get it back


                      From what I've seen so far - no. The Wii is actually the biggest factor of that, it has my heart already. The 360 should just be hitting its sweet spot by November too, and since most releases will be multiformat I can't really see the point.

                      Never say never though, as Brats says Sony are likely to start impressing more in the coming months. If it had Halo3, for the sake of argument, then yes - I'd pay full price on day one


                        Originally posted by dvdmike
                        No one has yet sony are running a 24 hour pre-order campaign one per person, and they haven't started it yet there will be no free stock so if you paid money i would get it back
                        When does this campaign start mate?


                          I am hoping to get one on launch day but this is due more to my inability NOT to buy a games console on launch day than anything else.

                          Having said that, I would like more information on PS3 launch exclusives to make me feel better about my potential purchase.


                            When does this campaign start mate?
                            as soon as i find out i will post it


                              here's a thing thats bugged me.Have sony even stated if all their games will support voice chat....or more to the point,have they even revealed a headset?


                                Now I don't mean to cast aspertions on the users of this forum, and I believe that you all believe that you won't be getting a PS3 anytime soon. But...

                                I cannot believe that if a shiny new PS3 is readily available and that if even ONE of the launch titles is good that you will be sitting home playing with your Wii's.

                                How do I know this? Because I'm just like you, an otaku with an obsessive, compulsive disorder just like you!

                                I'll be checking back at Christmas to make sure that no more than 8% of you got one!

