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Who's getting a PS3 before Christmas?

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    Originally posted by eastyy
    When the saturn and psone were launched i always thought "you could not do games like this on a 16bit console"

    However with the ps2 i did not really get that feeling "you could not do this on a psone" until the later games arrived

    Even if you could not do the graphics on a previous gen console you could get the gameplay and the feel
    Thats how I feelabout the PS3 launch.I waited when the PS2 came out until GT3 was launched to but and I will be waiting till a game like MG comes out that I HAVE to play.

    For me its too damn expensive a luxury purchase to justify.

    As for the Wii though


      How about 'no, cos I don't want one' being added to the poll?!


        I?ll be waiting for a price drop (or two), which should conveniently come by the time the console has established enough specific games that appeal to me. I?ve yet to feel entirely compelled by what the hardware is seeking to offer the gamer. Like the ps2 it?s simply not going to be of interest to me until 18 months to two years into its life.


          I cancelled my pre-order with Gamestation Online today after much consideration.

          After walking around a few Gamestores the past week and seeing the bargains knocking around for the ps2 and xbox made me wonder just how much money i'd save if I stay out of the next-gen for a good few years.

          Might try it......famous last words!


            I'll be getting one at Christmas. 2007.

            I've said it before, anything from Ueda's team, be it a re-jigged Colossus to support AA and a better resolution to the announcement of a new project will probably see me picking up a PS3 before. Apart from that, MGS4, GTA4 (which is also on the 360) and the possible potential of Lair... what else is there?

            The Wii, second-gen 360 titles and the last mop up from the current gen have to take precedence over the PS3 and what appears on first-glance to be a weak set of launch titles.

            Sony's lack of humility to their audience in general, the cynicism of the decision to place on Blu-ray when the system doesn't really need it apart from to promote a storage medium for Sony's film arm, awful aesthetic design, needless (to me) feature set... all of that could be forgotten if the games were there, or looked like they were being there in the near future (6-8 months).

            At the moment they don't, and it looks like it'll be the PS2's first year all over again at this point in time. Perhaps even worse when you factor in the cost and increased development time needed to make good games next-gen.


              I didn't preorder so I dont think there's much chance of getting a ps3 this year. My main reason for not though is I'm waiting for clarification on the region coding.

              In the end I'm expecting it to be like the xbox360 and having to check on a title by title basis, so I'll probably pick up a US ps3 instead.


                Originally posted by Haribokart
                How about 'no, cos I don't want one' being added to the poll?!
                See the first post of this thread:
                "This is a poll for people who are going to get one. If you are never getting one, then this isn't the thread for you."

                GET OUT OF MY THREAD!


                  Im unlikely to buy one at launch, the 360 is all the gaming I need right now, but I plan to further down the line. If it was to launch with, say a new Silent Hill game, then I might be tempted to change my mind.


                    I can't remember who here works in game shops, but you could try a similar thing in-store while chatting to customers and report back here. After all, I doubt us lot are very representative of the general public - although I notice the region-freeness of the psp brought a fair few of you on to the forum, so perhaps the boundaries are blurring. Importing isn't nearly as niche as it was a few years ago.

