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US Wii: Preorder Details Thread

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    yeh the recorded message at the end of the wait doesn't have an english accent, but i don't see why'd they'd set up a phoneline in central london to redirect to canada...


      weird isn't it. It's so chuffing annoying when they dont reply. I'm sure they're filling most pre orders by the sounds of things, the guy was confident enough about it when he said they're getting stock in on monday

      If you don't get a machine and I do, i'd be devestated. Has your bank balance been debited? If it has then i'm sure your pre order has been successful.


        october 28th
        after reading stories of disappointment (people not getting wii's allocated to them) on this i started playing the back catalogue of zelda to satisy myself for the time being
        saying that, i started with ocarina of time, and i'm still playing ocarina of time


          hmm good move, i might dig out my master quest disc


            i haven't touched master quest
            i was actually enjoying playing ocarina until the water temple
            i ****ing hate the water temple


              you'd love it in master quest, seriously. but you'd hate what Nintendo have done to every other temple in MQ. EVIL!


                Originally posted by taijix
                yeh the recorded message at the end of the wait doesn't have an english accent, but i don't see why'd they'd set up a phoneline in central london to redirect to canada...
                I do, it probably connects through to Canada so we just have to pay for the UK call.


                  They just called me back. Great!


                    Originally posted by Lyris
                    They just called me back. Great!
                    what did they say ?


                      The guy said I was guaranteed to get one and they should ship out of ImportMadness on the 22nd or 23rd.


                        good news!
                        import madness just called me
                        apparently my order is fine and they're posting it on thursday/friday
                        they're gonna call me later in the week to tell me when to be at home for it
                        i chose the cheapest delivery method but APPARENTLY all of them are going out via the same courier/service, so unlucky to those who paid more for their shipping :/
                        he said all the 67's are fine (my order number is 0000067802, he said something about mine being the first but i swear someone on here ordered before me from them?)


                          My copy of Rayman was shipped from VG+ today oooh and Zelda from dvdboxoffice Anyone else got any VG+ or DVDBoxoffice love?
                          Last edited by Lazlow; 17-11-2006, 18:57.


                            Originally posted by Lyris
                            The guy said I was guaranteed to get one and they should ship out of ImportMadness on the 22nd or 23rd.
                            This man speaks THE TRUTH!! they just called me also and said the same thing

                            they super busy the guy said and not had that many orders. so those still wanting a USA wii move ur arse and order now. shipment 1 FTW


                              I just called Importmadness and they said if I order one now they had no idea when I might get it! Is there a different importmadness I don't know about?!?!


                                Looks like the show is going ahead as planned

