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UK Wii pre-orders Thread

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    toys r us have got wii's instock now-

    ?289 for a wii with zelda though


      How on earth can they charge that? What's the RRP for those two items? £220 max?


        Originally posted by Number45 View Post
        How on earth can they charge that? What's the RRP for those two items? ?220 max?
        ?180 and ?40 so yeah ?220 not sure how they can charge that tbh. but i'm sure people will buy it just to get a wii


          Noticed game were over chargeing a bit on wii stuff most places are doing the wii mote for £30 were as when i went in game last saturday they were asking £38 for a remote, i thinks its all a case of supply and demand.


            For anyone in Birmingham area, Solihull Woolies had a few in stock as of yesterday.


              I walked into Toys r Us on saturday and got the Zelda pack, it does also include any 2 £40 games - not clear on their website though!



                Originally posted by Lebowski View Post
                Noticed game were over chargeing a bit on wii stuff most places are doing the wii mote for ?30 were as when i went in game last saturday they were asking ?38 for a remote, i thinks its all a case of supply and demand.
                Odd, it's ?34.99 with Wii Play on the GAME system. Wonder if it's Managers being cheeky or something.


                  Just wondering....when will the Wii console re-appear in the UK? Those 'Wii-OUT OF STOCK' signs seem to have been up in shops for a long, long time now! I have a Wii and am loving it, but I was just thinking that I am sure there are a lot of people still hankering after one.


                    I've got a guy sitting a few feet away from me who has a deposit down with Gamestation and they've recently quoted him 4-6 weeks. Yet there does seem to be stock online at the moment.


                      I put mine up on eBay a couple of weeks ago (along with my accessories, games etc) with a low reserve price and looking to get back nearly what I'd paid for it. Anyway, it never sold first time although the re-listing did go in the end, but for a console which is so hard to get, there was surprisingly little interest which was strange.


                        I think it's perhaps a reflection of the kind of people that are looking for the console. This new audience that it's aimed at aren't necessarily going to look online for one, they'd just go to <insert high street chain here> instead.


                          Giving in and ordering one tonight, I hope your all happy now.


                            Since launch I have only seen sign (literally an A4 sheet in Gamestation's window) of the Wii being in stock once in my town.

                            The exception is CEX who have knocked theirs down to ?220 (from ?315).


                              Last week in Derby I inquired about the Wii they said they didn't have any, but GAME did. I think it is a matter of going in asking.


                                Originally posted by funkydan View Post
                                Just wondering....when will the Wii console re-appear in the UK? Those 'Wii-OUT OF STOCK' signs seem to have been up in shops for a long, long time now! I have a Wii and am loving it, but I was just thinking that I am sure there are a lot of people still hankering after one.
                                We've been told by our suppliers to expected the supply shortage of Wii's to continue up until June.

