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New sub-forum. Your suggestions needed.

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    I also think this is a great idea.. Looking forward to taking part where I can.


      Having two seperate games to talk about is a great idea because it gives people more of a chance to join in and if someone decides they're not enjoying the game they can try out the other one.


        Sounds like a great idea to me, I'll be well up for it. There is nothing like talking about a game you loved months, or even years after you played it. Going back to some older stuff will be fantastic too, as will games you missed out on, or are still fooking sitting on the shelf of doom waiting to be opened..

        And as its 12 months since Shadow of the Collosus came out, that sounds like a damn fine idea too. I could talk about that game until the cows, or Agro literally comes home.

        "Replay" sounds good to me for a name.

        Maybe run the "Timebox" for 4 weeks, with a week or so's notice so everyone who wants to get involved, but doesn't own it, can obtain it via s hop/ebay/borrows etc.

        It might also be a cool idea to not choose the obvious stuff. Resident Evil 4 is cool, but everyone with a brain has played that, so perhaps get people to play something lessar known in that genre like Obscure for example (a fine and short French developed survival horror game on PlayStation2). This way you might find yourself in love with a genre/game type you never thought you'd like before, which can only be a good thing.
        Last edited by dc-arena; 03-10-2006, 23:05.


          Obscure's Xbox too.


            Originally posted by charlesr
            The First Play forum is a massive success.

            However, many of us only get around to playing some games later on when they are cheaper or just lower down the priority, by which time the First Play for that game will perhaps have run its course.
            Why would you call it replay, if it's aimed at people who've not played it?!
            maybe something like:

            Better late than never
            Best before
            Gone but not forgotten
            sloppy seconds?!
            Buried Treasure
            Possibly worst suggestions ever?
            Last edited by bignige; 04-10-2006, 08:53.


              Good suggestions. We are looking for a name that encompasses people who have played it before and new people, so some of those might work.


                I like Replay (what with being a slight variation of Play in keeping with FP).


                  How about "Turn it on again", and you can have the Genesis song of the same name playing in the background...see, there's two gaming-type references in one name!

                  (Okay, I wasn't serious about the song being played, and I actually wasn't serious about the name at first, but now I quite like it. )

