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BF2142 demo

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    That just chucks a medipack on the floor! I want my defib back


      Originally posted by PeteJ
      That just chucks a medipack on the floor! I want my defib back
      Taint no room in my future for no defibulata boy


        When the medpac is on the floor, the other person has to walk on top of it and their health will replenish


          Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko
          I tried disabling my firewall but it still won't let me connect. Weird as I was able to play Battlefield 2 okay.
          I've got the same thing, all this waiting to download and this is the thanks I get!


            Originally posted by jeimuzu_uk
            When the medpac is on the floor, the other person has to walk on top of it and their health will replenish
            Aye but they may stuggle if already dead

            There must be a way to revive, else there is no point in having the shout-for-medic command when you 'die'! Seems daft that there is no defib, unless I'm missing something obvious...

            There are only four classes too, which is a bit surprising. No medic or spec-op


              I got it working but as usual I don't really have any idea of what is going on


                Originally posted by simoran1
                have you got dx9 installed? to save space they left dx 9 out of the demo. try installing it (if you havnt already) then give it ago.
                Yup I was up to date, then I saw there was an 8 August update so installed that, so played it for a bit.

                Think I'll skip this one, unless loads of friends start playing it.


                  It's pretty funny how the UI is exactly the same as BF2, only with futuristic angled edges (LOLz at the 'Q' speech menu)

                  Not too impressed myself - it seems a bit like a flakey mod.


                    Seems to be more of the same Battlefield goodness to me, just in a futuristic setting, and that can't be a bad thing. What can be a bad thing are the EA servers, which are not allowing me to play in my office, due to my hardware firewall. Oh well back to BattleField II which works fine through the same firewall


                      I'm getting the hang of it a bit more now, Whats up with the graphics? The are big time bad.

                      I still haven't managed to fire an escape pod towards the titan, I like this titan thing more than the conquest, its cool.


                        Originally posted by EvilBoris
                        I'm getting the hang of it a bit more now, Whats up with the graphics? The are big time bad.

                        I still haven't managed to fire an escape pod towards the titan, I like this titan thing more than the conquest, its cool.
                        I thought they looked better !
                        And like others have said it put more options on graphic wise than bfII


                          I've got it all turned up to full and it looks so flat and boring!


                            I played this some more last night, it is a good game but lacks that brilliant spark BF2 captured. Part of this is down to the futuristic setting - seeing a hover tank coming over the hill isn't as atmopsheric or indeed scary as hearing a tank rumbling over a hill. Likewise jumping on the side of a blackhawk and being transported from a battleship onto land is more immersive than getting a lift from a flying...thing.

                            The weaponary is pretty solid, but the classes aren't as fun. The beauty of BF2 was each class was capable in all situations, but had strong adventages in some. With 2142 they've merged a lot of the classes together but also removed the extras - the Engineer is now the only class able to use explosives\explosive weaponary - in BF2 all classes had at least a grenade (though looking about, it looks like you get unlocks which may fix this).

                            BF2's balance has never been perfect, with strong advantages going to those in choppers and fighters, and 2142 does resolve this issue, but it has in turn made the ground combat less intense and less enjoyable.

                            2142 just lacks that oomph, that feeling of death around the corner and the want to survive. The mechanics are still excellent though, and the Titan mode adds a new twist, both of which go a long way to making it a worthwhile game.

                            I've gone back to being undecided.


                              So. In the latest CGW podcast, they received retail boxed copies of BF 2142.

                              When you open the box, a big slip of paper falls out first, preceeding any discs or manuals. The slip of paper says, essentially, that 2142 includes monitoring software which runs while your computer is online, and records "anonymous" information like your IP address, surfing habits (probably via cookie scans), and other "computing habits" in order to report this information back to ad companies and ad servers, which generates in-game ads.

                              Now, I can live with certain in-game ads (though apparently there will be Dodge truck and Neon ads in the bleak, futuristic world of 2142), but including a lengthy description - outside of even the Eula - seems to indicate even EA knows that this is some shady borderline spyware ****. I don't support it and won't be buying 2142 (for a host of other reasons, too).
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                              I feel dirty how do I get this **** off ? Maybe worth it if you get Jenna Jameson advertising banners in the game

