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Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 (360 demo)

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    Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 (360 demo)

    Finally had a play at this, after a crawling download.

    The demo features one hole from four different courses (St Andrews was one, can't remember the other three).

    Gameplay-wise, if you played Tiger06, only a few things have changed. I'm pleased to report that the power boost button is still on the awkward left hand side. Nice to see EA didn't give in to the complainers and move it back to the easier right hand side. I think power boost should be as awkward as possible.

    You no longer have an aim point ... instead you have an aim "region", like a circle you move around. In the demo, it's pretty darn big, the width of the fairway in some instances, so it's a bit less of an exact science, which is how it probably should be. I expect the circle will get smaller with experience.

    Frustrated by the cheaters on 360 Live? Well, I tried a "waggle" power boost, and couldn't quite manage it: the boost seemed to fizzle out if you tried to hold it too long. Similarly, I couldn't figure out how to change to an iron when I was on the green (the triggers just increased/decreased the putting distance marker), so hopefully no more green chipping.

    Speaking of power boost, the on-screen UI is a bit more snazzy than the, shall we say, "functional" 06 variety, though the wind gauge is a bit small ...

    Putting in general, is, I reckon, more difficult than before. For a start, kiss goodbye to the "ideal putt camera" ... it might be in there for some difficulty settings, but I couldn't find it in the demo. Also, I three-putted a simple 9ft putt, going way past the hole twice. I expect I was just too used to my souped-up 06 character.

    When you hit a lofted shot, the camera now pans up over the ball, so you can gauge the spin better. A nice touch, though I still don't like the whole concept of controlling the ball after it's been hit. Come back Links!

    Graphically, it looks excellent, though I don't think there is any anti-aliasing going on. It looks similar to 06 on the 360 but without the bizarre moments of slowdown (well, I didn't see any in the demo), and without the soft-focus while the shot is in motion. One of the holes in the demo is surrounded by acres of lush green trees (nice), and all of the four holes featured CROWDS of people lining the fairways (who make a right racket when you hit a good shot). They look a bit naff individually, tho. Also, the Tiger character model I was using didn't look as "smooth" as the 06 version, if you ask me, though the facial expressions are better.

    Overall, I like!

    Ace! I'm downloading this at the moment. Hopefully it can re-capture the glory days of Tiger Woods 04 on the Xbox. I lost a whole summer to that game.....


      Wow missed that this was up cool


        Originally posted by peeveen
        Gameplay-wise, if you played Tiger06, only a few things have changed. I'm pleased to report that the power boost button is still on the awkward left hand side. Nice to see EA didn't give in to the complainers and move it back to the easier right hand side. I think power boost should be as awkward as possible.

        Left bumper? It's also on the A button now so you can use either or - this is much easier although I don't like the power boost/after spin functions.

        They seem to have gone more down the line of Links in respect of hitting shots half power, ie seeing now what % of the swing you have to hit - wasn't so prominant in the previous Tiger games. Especially in the putting, the forward backward aim really only shows how hard you have to hit it with direction on left/right positioning - this is much better than previous games methods of place the marker where the ball should go to and it equates the power in respect of it (although can easily mean overshooting as peeveen found out). Not sure if this is a whole lot different from the previous 360 version which I didn't play a lot and can't remember, but certainly is from previous Tigers and Links.

        Really needs some sort of tournament with friends function though, if only through the Xbox (ie not on the web). It's always been a nightmare getting random games in golf games due to long durations, and it's a bit of a mare sometimes planning an entire evening to do 9/18 holes with mates in advance.


          Originally posted by peeveen
          Similarly, I couldn't figure out how to change to an iron when I was on the green (the triggers just increased/decreased the putting distance marker), so hopefully no more green chipping.
          Press X

          Quite impressed with this, after playing it on Xbox I wasn't expecting much


            Press X
            Bah. Well, hopefully they've got rid of the "pin slammer" cheat. Haven't had a chance to confirm it. Anyone?


              this is much better than previous games methods of place the marker where the ball should go to and it equates the power in respect of it (although can easily mean overshooting as peeveen found out). Not sure if this is a whole lot different from the previous 360 version which I didn't play a lot and can't remember, but certainly is from previous Tigers and Links.
              No, the previous 360 version also had similar putting, ie, you couldn't just place your marker where you wanted to putt to. Wherever you put the marker, it would just set your "putting power" to the next highest value of 5/10/20/30/40/60/80/100 feet. You would still need to use a bit of judgement on the backswing if you only wanted to hit say, 12 or 32 feet. It was quite funny playing against people online who couldn't quite grasp the idea.


                Nice one, I'll go and kick a download off just now.


                  Oh good shame I can't download it to try it out as I am in Rome at the moment. Having a break from very fast and hot day.


                    Quite like it, seems better than 06. Alot of the animations/cameras are better, and the crowd is quite cool although not placed very well. Theres usually alot around the tee's, bit drier in the middle of the fairway then lots at the green, with a good bunch following the whole way after the tee shot, when my guy was in the middle of the green, theres still hundreds of folk standing back at the tee, when they could have put loads around the green instead for a more authentic feel. Still cool though.

                    And I like the new aiming system. anything to make it harder and more of a challenge. I think this will be bought.

