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Lumines Live (360)

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    goddamn..... he really knows how to play that game, I don't think I'll ever gonna get even close to his skillz


      Really enjoying this - I am a first timer with Lumines but always liked the look of it.
      I don't seem to be able to get the online leaderboards though - when I first played it XBOX live was still wobbly after going back up, but the leaderboards are still only 'local'. I must of missed something obvious, I will give it a good bashing this weekend.

      As far as the extra packs go, I can understand them doing that for individual artists etc. due to licensing etc. but the mission and puzzle modes...they should of had them greyed out, or even better, missing from the menu, rather than being able to play them for a bit and then get stung with the 'please pay more' message.
      I can understand why a lot of people are pissed off. It can feel like paying for a demo.


        Ive got to say im starting to get the hang of this now just got 74k and am second on my leaderboard behind peevens 250k im catching up on you


          Played my first full game on this (played it loads on the PSP) on the first "level" - what's happened to the game? I seemed to cycle through about 6 skins then back to the start. 40 mins in I'd got a couple of hundred thousand, about 6 blocks on the screen. I could have kept it going all night with no problems, it didn't seem to speed up like the PSP version did.

          I just quit back to the menu, which wasn't a good move as it didn't register my score or achievements Which means I'll have to do it all again.

          Did sound pretty nice on a proper speaker setup, which was a positive.

          Shame the 360's d-pad sucks so much. Game felt far more precise on the PSP, quite a few times I'd shift over a side while trying to pull the block straight down. Oh and I'm sure I mapped the spin buttons the other way round on the PSP as well, so kept ****ing that up.

          I'm sure it'll get better on the higher skill levels, I just don't want a game to last the three or four odd hours a PSP game could.


            I'm having the same experience as chain, except without so much negativity. I love it cause it's Lumines. I've got the advance pack now, not tried it yet but I assume it'll make it more like the PSP version, and gives you enough extra skins to make it last much longer. Also, try using analogue instead of digital - I normally hate it but it works much better here.


              Ive got to say im starting to get the hang of this now just got 74k and am second on my leaderboard behind peevens 250k im catching up on you
              Don't get too confident ... I'm up to 300K now, and the only reason I haven't scored more is cos I don't have the time to play it any longer ... both times I've played it, I've lost on purpose cos I've had to go out.
              I could have kept it going all night with no problems, it didn't seem to speed up like the PSP version did.
              Yeah, I reckon I could do the same, but to be honest, I'll play for the 500K achievement then concentrate on VS mode I think. PSP version has the advantage in that (1) it was a wee bit harder, and (2) you could switch the game off and continue whenever you wanted.
              quite a few times I'd shift over a side while trying to pull the block straight down
              Yup, same here.


                I'll try the analogue stick as suggested, but not sure it'll be enough

                I'll go for the 500k Achievement as well, but I don't think I'll get the time. Pretty sure you get something like 50k for having a clear screen so if I get a bit of a lucky run, and if I'm in the "zone" could probably get it in 10 mins.

                Or maybe I'm totally wrong about that score, it's been a while!


                  It just clicked couldnt get off the 3rd level and just got to the 70'd style brown green stage


                    Just got 300 odd thousand on Advanced. Just lost interest in the end.

                    Oh and it's 10k for having no blocks left on the screen, 1k for having a single colour.

                    Those Achievements to get like 70 bricks in 60 seconds are going to be tough. Got like 58, that bloody d-pad keeps letting me down and I need a nice solid click per square that the analogue doesn't give.


                      Has anybody else's leaderboard broken today? My friend board is blank other than one score. Doesn't even have my score on it.


                        I love the way this game slowly and hypnotically grows on you. I only started playing it on Friday and find that I slowly know what to do more and more. Only up to 40,000, but that's a huge improvement for me.

                        I know it's an old cliched thing to say but I haven't had the same slightly trippy feel in a puzzle game since Tetris. It has the same vibe but with added awesome presentation and surround sound! I've already found myself dreaming of shiny


                          I'm still really crap at this, only managed to get to the 4th skin today although I have managed the first 2 time trial acheivements


                            Originally posted by EvilBoris
                            I'm still really crap at this, only managed to get to the 4th skin today although I have managed the first 2 time trial acheivements
                            Yeah I suck too, but after spending a stupid amount of time in the second Time Trail achievement and getting like 86 squares, 84 squares etc I finally cracked the 90 and ended up with something in the very low hundreds.

                            Playing Challenge on Base I start of well but as soon as the Red and White Ball blocks appear my mind just gets totally confused and I play like a retard, then when the Green and Grey blocks arrive (with the scratching beats) I switch back on again. Weird.

                            Not made it through Base yet, anybody know how many 'Skins' you have to get through before its completed?


                              Think it cycled at 6. Thought they'd be a lot more.

                              Could be wrong mind, compared to the PSP version it was as action packed as watching paint dry


                                i play well during the first 4 skins but that 5th skin with those patterns is a bitch, i was quite annoyed the scores had reset ft: i had reached 80k

