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Lumines Live (360)

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    I wouldn't worry ... when you finally "get it", 80K is a drop in the ocean.
    What's this about scores resetting?
    I managed 450K the other night (I take it back about being able to play it infinitely).


      well when i had a quick blat this morning got a lowly score of only 35k but i was top of my friends list leaderboard strangly


        Peeven, does it get any quicker when you lap it? I just gave up once through on Base, literally I had no pile of blocks. And that was my first game since I stopped playing the PSP version way back. I've played it again on Advanced now, and was pretty pleased with a nice run of One Colour and No Colours at the start.

        I want to get the 500k Achievement on Base but not sure I can be arsed, but if I get a good run at the start it shouldn't take too long.

        So wanted to know if it got quicker!


          Isn't the speed of the game/metronome tied to the music track that's playing ?


            Chain, I'm sure it does get faster. I was half-asleep during the first lap, but by the third lap I was gasping for air.


              OK well that's good.

              My biggest problem with the game on the PSP was that, once you've "got it", a single game can last several hours, which I find ****ing ridiculous.


                I didn't really mind that too much, as the PSP's sleep function meant I could just start from the same point later, but on the 360, I have to put an hour or two aside to have a game, which doesn't seem right.


                  Agreed, it was fine on PSP where you can have a break, but on 360 its a bit daft. To get to the top of the leaderboard is more a battle of who has got the most time free than who is best at Lumines.


                    I found on the PSP that, once paused, it would be very hard to get back in to the game's groove - an hour in, things are flying around, and the old grey matter takes a while to get in to that mindset Must be getting old!

                    It needs a harder mode


                      That was the problem with Hexic as well - It put me off playing it because I knew I'd still be playing it donkeys later and if I saved then went back to it I'd be out in a minute because the "groove" was gone.

                      Puzzle Games - they don't make 'em like they used to


                        Originally posted by Chain
                        It needs a harder mode
                        Definitely. I scored 1.3m with my first play on "Advanced" last night/this morning. The game lasted about 2.5 hrs

                        Can't remember how many loops I did, but at least there's a lot more skins with the Advanced pack.


                          Yoshi, in Hexic you can just exit the game and pick it up later. As it's not speed based, there aren't any real issues.

                          Good to see everyone agrees Lumines needs a mode that even the best players won't last 30 minutes.


                            Not sure about the 360 version, on the PSP you'd plug in one's headphones and get into the grove anywhere, at home you start to annoy the neighbours cranking up the volume to a tripping level, plus as people have said no pause and not mobile.

                            I thought of a harder mode; have two blocks dropping at once. You'd use the d-pad and left trigger to rotate one block and the buttons and right trigger the other. Yes it would take a bit of coordination, but might add a nice spin on things.


                              Can anyone give a complete newbie some tips on how to "get it"?

                              I am loving Lumines, I loved it when I saw it on PSP but never got round to actually playing it so this on Xbox LIVE (despite the cost model) is gaming bliss.

                              I suck at it but I am starting to get into it and my score is rising but having read peoples scores here I am waaaaay behind.


                                Have a look back through this thread - people have already posted tips, and I posted a link to a video showing some sensible techniques.

