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US PS3 preorders

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    US PS3 preorders

    I was looking through the forums and could not find any information regarding US PS3 preorders and thought I would start a thread so we can post information here to help ntsc members find a launch machine..

    I know there is a Japanese PS3 preorder thread that has helped some members to track down a PS3 for launch.

    Links to websites that have started taking preorders and links to reliable websites who normally take console preorders would be useful.

    I myself am not that experienced in importing consoles and am hugely reliant on the experience of some the guys/gals on this site for information. I am sure there are a load of people who read this site are in the same boat as me

    Let the hunt begin.....

    Originally posted by Fastslyfox
    I was looking through the forums and could not find any information regarding US PS3 preorders
    That really says it all doesn't it. Sure the 360 preorder thread was pumping by now, and the Wii one certainly is.

    There is a Jap preorder thread in the news section, guess it could all be going in there !


      No ones got a chance of a launch machine from any normal website, ie not e bay, there wont be anything around until well after christmas apparently, my person in the states who deals with 15 or so distributors and is getting me a Wii told me to forget about PS3 for now, after i asked him about the possiblilty of him getting me one.


        Originally posted by Simmy
        That really says it all doesn't it. Sure the 360 preorder thread was pumping by now, and the Wii one certainly is.
        The fact that there's very few units to go around and that it's not out in the EU until next year might have something to do with it


          There is some USA PS3 preorder info in the JPN PS3 preorder thread.

          Last edited by VR46; 18-10-2006, 14:39.


            Spot on people arent silly, with 400,000 for the US at launch there isnt going to be any or many spare at normal prices.


              Originally posted by Geezer
              The fact that there's very few units to go around and that it's not out in the EU until next year might have something to do with it
              Funny I'd look at it another way, you'd expect higher interest in US preorders with no EU launch taking place, and as Sony have stated their numbers are higher than 360 at launch, which did not stop folks here trying to get there hands on US launch machines, even with a simultanious EU launch confirmed.

              Any way I will post no more !


                Originally posted by Simmy
                Funny I'd look at it another way, you'd expect higher interest in US preorders with no EU launch taking place, and as Sony have stated their numbers are higher than 360 at launch, which did not stop folks here trying to get there hands on US launch machines, even with a simultanious EU launch confirmed.

                Any way I will post no more !
                That's a fair argument truth be told8)
                However with the region free talk, the weight of the machine leading to high shipping costs (plus the inevitable customs worry) and potential need for a bulky/expensive stepdown, some people are waiting to see how it all pans out (which is the sensible thing to do tbh).

                I do acknowledge that there is less anticipation for the PS3 than there was for the 360 last year and there is now for the Wii. I still want one though


                  I probably would have broke and bought a PS3 over import if the games had been there. The thing is, I'm thinking back to the sixteen games that were available for the 360 on launch (Condemned, Kameo, PGR3, Call of Duty 2, and to a lesser extent Perfect Dark Zero Ridge Racer 6 had my interest). There were a fair few (that and the general enthusiasm for the 360) which managed to sway me in the end in picking up a European unit.

                  For the PS3, only Resistence and Ridge Racer 7 look of any interest (already playing Oblivion), and I can't justify the cost of picking up a unit for games I'm only mildly interested in with what's out for the 360 over the next couple of months, and of course the Wii. I'm both surprised and not surprised that there aren't threads gagging for the PS3, like it was with the 360.

                  1) As pointed out, the units are going to be next to impossible to get hold of given the limited supply.
                  2) The huge cost factor
                  3) The lack of games
                  4) The general negative swirl around the PS3 that's been in evidence for months around gaming-centric circles


                    I've been real close to trying to nab one but i've had to give myself a talking to. I just love new tech and having stuff when it's first available. I've bought pretty much every console at launch (execpt PS2 funnily and that was due to poor software) but as Concept has pointed out there really isn't anything worth that massive initial outlay.

                    Also it's not like there's nowt else to play. The Wii, 360 and DS will more than suffice over the next few months and then there will hopefully be something exclusive to the PS3 when it finally comes down to an agreeable price-point.


                      God I'd love a Ps3 at launch.

                      But I'm not up for the pain which we went through trying to get a Wii on VG+.

                      I'm not paying the initial inflated prices just for RR7.

                      My brain says I should wait and see the truth on thr region free lark.

                      Got enough Wii stuff to work through.

                      I sorta hope initial preorders are inflated, as it would discourage me.


                        If you have the dosh there's bound to be some on eBay as I've seen quite a few threads with yanks saying they've picked up a few pre-orders just to sell on.


                          Originally posted by ascender
                          If you have the dosh there's bound to be some on eBay as I've seen quite a few threads with yanks saying they've picked up a few pre-orders just to sell on.
                          I don't see many of them bothering to export. They'll be able to make enough dosh skanking people domestically and won't want to ship something so heavy/expensive internationally.

                          There will blatantly be some from Japanese dudes though. I remember I bought my PSP near JPN launch from a Japanese guy with under 30 feedback at over $150 less than Play-Asia. He had to communicate using babelfish but we got there in the end


                            im deffiantely gonna get a ps3, but im thinking the hassle to get one at launch will be too stressful. but if anyone finds some nutter selling them at normal price on ebay like what happened for the DS, let me know (unlikely after the publicity of overpriced 360 orders)


                              It's worth waiting for many reasons - not least the price, but also to find out what the region free deal is and if there are any defect issues with the machine first batch ( think Sony battery packs and x360 woes ) - if all of these turn out positive, pick up the cheap(er) Japanese chav pack unit when the supply betters and games you're interested in turn up, that's what I'll be doing at any rate.

