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I never realised how much I adored my console...

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    Oblivion is already a killer app despite it's lack of exclusivity. If the 360 didn't crash so often it'd be my favourite console post-PS2, DC, PSone.


    That's supposed to sound better than it does.

    It really is a fantastic console and for my worth it already feels like the trend setter and established console this generation.

    The PS3 feels more like the original Xbox launching against the PS2 (the main console) this time around.

    Perhaps it's the delay, but the 360 has been given the time to carve out a recognised identity for itself and Microsoft have certainly capitlised on giving the Xbox brand more of a facelift. Just to use a really obvious example - the 360 soundbite on end of all the trailers. Everytime I watch a next-gen video now on 360, PC and PS3 I always expect to hear that sound.

    There are loads more examples to use but I'm too lazy to type them.

    MS have nailed that shape of identity Sony so succcessfully created in the late 90s during the PlayStation's media heyday.


      I've only had a 360 for about a week & a half now, but I'm definitely enjoying it. Table Tennis is a cracking little game - loads of fun, deceptively simple with some real kick (damn you Jesper!) When my wireless adapter turns up I'm looking forward to trying it online (if anyone else is still playing).

      The other game that has me enamoured is Ridge Racer 6 - probably just because it's Ridge, but it's lovely all the same.


        The 360 is a nice machine, that looks cool and has an excellent interface.

        Over the past 6months though, I've grown a bit weary of it, and I have suspicions it's tech isn't as solid as we were led to believe.

        There is a fundamental problem when devs constantly moan about getting games running at a decent framerate. All I hear is constant tales of struggling devs, trying to lock games at 30fps, and even that is proving difficult.

        There have been various games which have tarnished my enthusisasm. I just don't understand why so many titles have been broken, and in some ways worse than XB1 titles.

        I constantly wish devs would speak out, but it's ' not cool ' to talk about tech these days, and people like me are left in the dark. Not knowing why 60fps is so hard to achieve, and why there are so many other shortcomings displayed within many titles, really has me confused!

        I still have hope for the 360 though. Lost Planet shows what can be built with the right design and enthusiasm. Gears Of War has to be great, if it isn't, then it will really be a bitter blow to 360 owners.

        Microsoft are hopefully addressing all the dev problems. Live needs to be made more solid, and Arcade needs an overhaul.

        Next year, the 360 may play host to a new wave of technically solid proficient titles, with excellent Live interfaces. I hope so, because I really hope the machine can achieve so much more!
        Last edited by Leon Retro; 07-11-2006, 14:54.


          Dreamcast for me too. It's the simple fact that I can't pack it away that cements it in my mind. It's never been back in its box since the day I got it, and is rarely unplugged. Even if I haven't touched it for a couple of weeks I know that at any moment I might fancy a blast of SR2 or Daytona, so it's ever present in my setup.

