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Rumour: PS3 can't upscale games?

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    But the point Neil is that many can't use the native resolution.

    The example is Resistance, which I've read is 720p native. Those with 1080i only sets (i.e. that don't accept 720p) need to have the PS3 downscale to 480p. So, not only are they not getting it as nature intended, but they are getting less resolution.

    In contrast, the 360's scaler (which isn't the greatest, but there is one) would take the 720p and scale to 1080i.

    There is also the problem that some TVs internal scalers cause lag. So feed them 480p and they upscale to 1080i anyway, but in a laggy way. Upscaling at source removes this problem.


      Originally posted by Simmy
      The HD era really only starts when we are on the market

      The HD Era starts when the next patch update is out.



        so that is a great big **** you then?


          And Sony wonder why sometimes people react negatively to them on PR.


            Grr I can't see the link whazzit say ?

            This story is on IGN seeming to confirm this is deffo the case.


              He seems to think it's an unreal expectation to assume a games console will offer full backwards compatibility and scale games based on the users display. He likens that to people wanting their car to fly and make toast (or something).

              I don't get it either. One seems slightly more reasonable than the other tbh.


                Is that Crazy Uncle Ken again ? That's possibly quote of the year

                "He likens that to people wanting their car to fly and make toast (or something)."


                  This story is on IGN seeming to confirm this is deffo the case.
                  LOLZ - before this story 'broke' on the message boards IGN confirmed that all the upscaling was done internally by the PS3 ... I think this is technically termed as 'hedging your bets'


                    Originally posted by Soi
                    But the point Neil is that many can't use the native resolution.

                    The example is Resistance, which I've read is 720p native. Those with 1080i only sets (i.e. that don't accept 720p) need to have the PS3 downscale to 480p. So, not only are they not getting it as nature intended, but they are getting less resolution.

                    In contrast, the 360's scaler (which isn't the greatest, but there is one) would take the 720p and scale to 1080i.

                    There is also the problem that some TVs internal scalers cause lag. So feed them 480p and they upscale to 1080i anyway, but in a laggy way. Upscaling at source removes this problem.
                    Sorry I wasn't clear.

                    Its always better to scale down than scale up in my view. Older TV's will introduce lag, but even the 360 suffers from this when you scale from 720p to 1080i

                    Anyway when is Outrun coming out on PS-3?



                      I don't think the image is being downscaled though - its not as though its displaying the 720p image @ 480p (you can get a graphical performance boost from doing this), what the PS3 is doing is ****ing off 720p altogether and knocking out the 480p image directly, so if your tv can upscale it will do so with the 480p image (which I have heard can be quite ****ty).


                        I doubt that is the case. The older HD CRTs won't do that for sure.


                          Then you'll be left with a 480p image.


                            Originally posted by NeilMcRae
                            even the 360 suffers from this when you scale from 720p to 1080i
                            No it doesn't. I've got mine connected through VGA monitor that can display every resolution the 360 can chuck out (even 1920 x 1080) without any scaling of the image on the display itself. I've tested the response time using DOA4 (which runs at 60fps and which every millisecond is essential) and I can tell you there is no lag.

                            My understanding is that the 360 scaler sin't ana anlogue scaler like so many people tink it is. Therefore there is no lag. Any lag people might experience can only be introduced by the display.


                              Originally posted by C'
                              He seems to think it's an unreal expectation to assume a games console will offer full backwards compatibility and scale games based on the users display.
                              Isn't that what was promised though?

                              I'm not arsed either way. I don't care for backwards compatibility as I always play classics on their native consoles (apart from OoT as I wanted to see it run in 480p as a cheeky Wii VC preview).

                              Even after I have everything on VC I'll keep all my old stuff for RGB goodness.


                                It was promised but it was unrealistic of us to expect it maybe ?

                                Clever actually - this same statement can be wheeled out now to cover Killzone when it falls short of the movie from E3.

