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Am I alone?

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    Am I alone?

    Am I the only one buying a Japanese Wii? Everyone either seems to be going to Woolies or getting a US machine. Is there something I don't know?

    It's pretty simple I'd have thought. Not many people here can read Japanese text, and the machine is region locked.

    I own zero PAL GC games, majority are US and a couple of Japanese titles, US Wii for me.


      I'm waiting to see what the US/JPN switch situation is. It might work the same way as the GC. If so, I'll probably get JPN machine and switch it (it's easier to mod that way around). If not, then I'll get US machine because 90% of my GC games got converted to US versions when they got released there.


        Originally posted by iloveannie
        Am I the only one buying a Japanese Wii? Everyone either seems to be going to Woolies or getting a US machine. Is there something I don't know?
        No mate, I'm getting one as well as a US one. Just confirmed my preorder and launch titles with Playasia yesterday


          Originally posted by MartyG
          It's pretty simple I'd have thought. Not many people here can read Japanese text, and the machine is region locked.

          I own zero PAL GC games, majority are US and a couple of Japanese titles, US Wii for me.

          what he said


            I'm going PAL for launch then getting a Japanese Wii in the new year for all that good stuff we ain't ever gonna see here. Hopefully there will be some funky colours out over there by then too


              all my gamecube games are japanese, so i decided to go for a japanese wii too. if theres some chip/switch/freeloader stuff then thats nice, but i'm not too bothered.

              the only thing that tempted me towards an american machine was animal crossing, but i dont expect to see that for a while anyway. i coped ok with wind waker and paper mario in japanese, so i think i'll be alright here too.


                USA and PAL for me. No interest in JPN stuff really.


                  I've gone for a JAP Wii as well. There are usually a number of quirky or exclusive games never released outside of Japan, so it's always worth investing in a JAP machine just for these.

                  I'll think I'll wait a little to see region can be easily changed, if not I'll have to invest in a US machine as well. With some games you just can't play due to the language barrier.


                    Originally posted by iloveannie
                    Am I alone?
                    Oh-so very...very alone.


                      I've getting a US and a JPN machine. Kororinpa was enough to make that decision for me, though the thought of Wario Ware and Wii Play for Xmas made it a whole lot easier.


                        I want a US machine as all my cube games are NTSC, however i'm getting a european wii for launch and see how that goes. You never know a chip might turn up letting us play all regions ....

                        Actually next year sometime ill definately get a US machine


                          I'll get a PAL machine at launch to keep things simple and will pick up a JP or US (more likely the latter) at some point in the new year to circumvent Nintendo Europe's churlish Virtual Console service.


                            Well most of my Cube titles are Japanese but I must say that backwards compatability means bugger to all me. I'll just put the game in my Cube. I recognise that some people don't hang on to their consoles so the feature is useful, however once I've played a game I rarely pick it back up for more than five minutes.

                            And as for Jap text, yes I reckon some titles are a nightmare but I only really buy Nintendo titles for Nintendo consoles. And no story has yet gripped me in ANY video game (Ico and SotC do intrigue me though). 'Sorry developers but your writing skills have yet to even match an episode of Eastenders!' I can usually guess that the fairy girl is telling me that the end of the world is nigh and that I have to save everyone but it's ok I can still take time out for fishing

                            I thought it was because of Wii Sports. Well at least I know it's not something awful now and I can relax again

                            PS: Rare would have made me want an English language machine....but they've gone


                              I am going for american one due to engliah language support. I only got about 6 japanese games for gamecube and about 20 games for USA Gamecube.

