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Gamecube - The Essentials....

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    Gamecube - The Essentials....

    Now that the gamecube is reaching the end of its life I thought it would be interesting to see what everyone considers to be the essential games for this console (and their collections)

    I'll start with the easy one:

    Resident Evil 4 - taken in a different direction that the other titles in the saga it looks and plays brilliantly.

    I have to say the next obvious one. Killer7 without a shadow.

    And another one for good measure: Eternal Darkness.


      Pikmin and Pikmin 2. RTS's made fun for spazos like me


        Metroid Prime for me


          Tales of Symphonia is probably the best Cube RPG along with Skies of Arcadia Legends.


            Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33
            Tales of Symphonia is probably the best Cube RPG along with Skies of Arcadia Legends.
            Giftpia & homeland are the best 2 rpg's on the cube but due to the harsh language barrier hardly anyone has played them. So we'll go with your 2 for english rpg's & my 2 for japanese (^_^) the gamecube has quite a few quality rpg's.

            Anyway my essentials would be everything everyone has listed so far plus....

            Rockman X command mission
            Paper mario RPG
            Metroid prime 2
            Kururin squash
            Donkey konga 1-3
            Eternal darkness
            chibi robo
            Kinnikku man
            Naruto gekitou ninja taisen 2 & 3

            theres a hell of a lot more but i cant be bothered to list it all, in general the gamecube has a great library of fun & cool games if you stay away from the 3rd party western liscensed ****.


              I wouldn't say Eternal Darkness is "essential". If you go into it thinking it is, then you would be disappointed. It's a great game, no mistake, but not essential.


                P.N.03 is essential IF you like arcade games.
                Pacman Vs is essential (I've had so much fun with this, with friends AND relatives).
                Super Monkeyball is essential.

                Viewtiful Joe is totally essential if you like brawlers, but if your fighter skills aren't up to it (like me) it's too frustrating.


                  Donkey Konga 3? Did this get a pal release?


                    Ikaruga on the GC gets my vote


                      Originally posted by Welrain
                      Donkey Konga 3? Did this get a pal release?
                      Jp only i think? (waits to be coorected )


                        Originally posted by Mad Gear
                        Jp only i think? (waits to be coorected )
                        Mad gear your totally................................correct (^_^)

                        Never got a us or uk release, shame really as its the best one out the 3


                          As far as driving games go, and there never seems to be anything decent in terms of the realistic side of things on Nintendo consoles, I'd say R: Racing Evolution. Cracking game.


                            F-Zero GX is essential.


                              Prime 2 - best game of the GC/Xbox/PS2 generation IMO.

