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A new dawn for Nintendo?

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    Surely if Nintendo had really wanted thier Wii to stand along side a PS? or 360 they would have made interchangeable fronts for them so that they at least matched, that way you could use em as book ends.

    come on people, Nin want to take as big a share of the market as they can, which is why they have tried an alternative route with this console to make them stand out from the other two.


      i meant PS3 by the way, but that just about sums sony up i think.


        Originally posted by muddy
        wtf do Scottish and Newcastle sell? Jocks and Geordies?
        OT: Kronenbourg, Fosters, Baltika, John Smiths, Strongbow, Woodpecker, Kingfisher, Sagres, Scrumpy Jack, Newcastle Brown Ale, San Miguel and so on. Not to mention nearly every supermarket brand of cider. We're quite big.


          ^^^ Aaaahhh the drink of the gods^^^ John Smiths that is, not the cider, you can keep that.


            Originally posted by iloveannie
            OT: Kronenbourg, Fosters, Baltika, John Smiths, Strongbow, Woodpecker, Kingfisher, Sagres, Scrumpy Jack, Newcastle Brown Ale, San Miguel and so on. Not to mention nearly every supermarket brand of cider. We're quite big.
            Can you organise a piss up at the brewery for us?


              Wow, we're more off track here than a student after happy hour.

              Can we sober up and get back on topic please


                Originally posted by iloveannie
                OT: Kronenbourg, Fosters, Baltika, John Smiths, Strongbow, Woodpecker, Kingfisher, Sagres, Scrumpy Jack, Newcastle Brown Ale, San Miguel and so on. Not to mention nearly every supermarket brand of cider. We're quite big.
                No Magners? For shame!

                Well I wouldent say a new dawn for Nintendo more like a second or third chance. Although they certantly delivered with Mario 64 & Zelda Ocarina of Time on the N64 they dident sell anything like the PSone and treated UK gamers with contempent. They promised this would change with the Gamecube and although they certantly treated us better they had lots of good games but a lack of real must haves.

                Although it could be argued they are still in the same boat with the DS they do have more original games on the shelves and the DS is selling more than anyone could of predicted. The Wii is their first console in some time where it is vastly underpowered compared to the others but have originalality, mass market and hardcore intrest mixed with the succeuss of the DS under their belts.

                I'm sure Sony & Microsoft know that Nintendo have hit an untapped source of punters and I think only Microsoft, along with Nintendo, have some sense of what the public want. Sony seem to have an (Un)hidden agenda of shoviling it's in house Blu-Ray at us and to be honest it bloody reaks.

                I really feel that even if it does not happen this generation, a change is in the air. Nintendo are going back to their family roots with their new fanbase and the Hardcore with them, Microsoft are going gunning for traditional gamers and their games and online service speak volumes for the succeuss they've had while Sony are going all out for Hi Def and Blu Ray but you've got to be able to afford it.

                It's not as black & white as this but do you buy into new concepts, modern tradional videogames or visually and sonically the best you can buy?


                  For me, this next generation i am looking for the different, which is why i am seriously considering the nintendo as my choice of console.

                  I like the idea of trying a different method of interacting with a game, rather than more gloss, better ragdoll physics and bigger explosions.

                  I have seen the demo's of the PS?, (it's the new symbol for it), and as yet there is nothing there that really says to me you must have it, same with the 360 i have played the games on it and the most enjoyment i have had on it is playing Geometry wars, which tells you something.

                  I hope that nintendo are successful this generation, not for them, but for us gamers as the other two will seriously have to think about the interaction of their next generation of consoles. Maybe it's not too late for them this generation, we need more games like guitar hero, hands up who's waiting for the full on drum kit.

