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Wii wait agony!

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    Wii wait agony!

    To tide over my Import Madness woes...i've decided to start playing the bonus disc i got with TLOZ:WW. I've never played the master quest before- anyone else going to do something like this in preparation for zelda?

    I've got plenty to do, but I just hate waiting for an unknown date. If IM would have said 'you'll have your Wii on Dec 4th' then I would happily wait, but it's being told day after day that 'it'll be shipped tomorrow so you could have it in a couple of days' and then you get let down it makes the wait all the more infuriating. I'd rather wait longer for a confirmed date than waking up every day only to find that something is now no closer to you than it was when you went to sleep.


      Yeah i know what you mean, he told me on monday that they were all shipping out as we spoke. Yet yesterday when i talked to him he was saying it wouldn't ship until friday because they don't have the capacity to handle all of them in 1 day I want to know why they've taken payment aswell, i don't have a product being shipped to me, so why should my money be sitting in their bank account.

      NEVER using Import Madness again.


        I'm going to dig my N64 out tonight and get the last mask in Majora's Mask. I finished the game one short so I didn't get the Fierce Diety mask. I think you get a different ending with the Fierce Diety so it's got to be worth a try.


          Not long to wait guys, we got copies of COD3 for the Wii today at work and they are going for sale on Friday which is strange cos the machine is not out til next Friday! lol


            I am playing through Link To The Past on GBA via my DS, just nailed Blind's Hideout, getting my sword tempered now. Suprised by how easy it is/was. Loving the gameplay but hating the stoopid voice thingys when you swing the sword and that - ****. Also playing Okami, which is the nearest thing to OOT that we will ever have on a Sony console, and similarly I am loving it, but hating the voices (in game as opposed to in my head).

            Wife fed up with me mentioning the Wii, but has promised me a weekend without any wife-based distractions next weekend.


              I've got 4 essys due (2 of them just a 2-3 days after the wii comes out). Its not good timing for me!


                I don't know what to play - thought about a Zelda (still have to play through Minish Cap) but didn't want to get halfway and then abandon for the Wii.

                Would happily play through Resi 4 again but this is being kept back as my Emergency game in case Cardiff Gamestation burns down on the 7th December.


                  21-11-2006 22:33 CAPE ISC CHICAGO IL (USPS) Left origin country 20-11-2006 10:11 Delivery Agent - UNITED STATES AMERICA Collected from customer

                  Yeah, I've been waiting a while too...


                    Is ImportMadness still going?


                      I can't believe some of you guys have nothing at all you can be playing. I've got all the freetime in the world at the moment yet there's always something I could be finishing or even giving a proper go.


                        im playing FFXII LOL.


                          Gave up on FFXII - love the game but my nice new HD set hates the cables, so need to replace those at some point. Please amazon, pull though with Wii componant cables! To pass time, essay writing, work and Dawn of War - I did play though all of Windwaker recently - such a detailed game despite its tame difficulty


                            can't deal with wind waker. get to one part (the waterfall with the notes coming out apparently) and i never get teh notes coming out and ive tried from teh beginning 6 times!!!! even followed the guide last two times to no avail so gave up.


                              Originally posted by FelixofMars
                              Is ImportMadness still going?
                              Not for long.

