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Wii wait agony!

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    Originally posted by elaniel
    can't deal with wind waker. get to one part (the waterfall with the notes coming out apparently) and i never get teh notes coming out and ive tried from teh beginning 6 times!!!! even followed the guide last two times to no avail so gave up.
    I just point the wind in the direction of the waterfall and use the leaf and just keep pushing forward- eventually im in, never used the hookshot for that bit.


      well the games 3 years old now. cant be bothered LOL.


        The agony is worse when you have the console but you can't play it because of the lack of component. Zelda looks SO BAD on a HDTV with a composite lead


          Not at all suprised, I had quite a few undelivered items from them and thought screw this about 2 years ago, VG+ are much better.

          Originally posted by Zaki Matar
          Not for long.


            Originally posted by Selix
            The agony is worse when you have the console but you can't play it because of the lack of component. Zelda looks SO BAD on a HDTV with a composite lead
            That's just being bloody stupid.


              Originally posted by Synthesthesia
              To tide over my Import Madness woes...i've decided to start playing the bonus disc i got with TLOZ:WW. I've never played the master quest before- anyone else going to do something like this in preparation for zelda?

              I started Majora's Mask about a month ago and have just got into the Castle at Ikanya Canon. What a tour de force of a game. I bought it when it originally came out on the N64, got stuck (at a part I cannot now remember) and gave up. Hoping to get it finished before next Friday!!!!


                Majora is fantastic. That's how levels should be designed.

                Ocean Temple + upside-down mother****er of a temple FTW!!

                If only other companies even TRIED to copy Nintendo's level architecture, the gaming world would be a much better place.


                  Originally posted by Jason
                  That's just being bloody stupid.
                  Not seen composite on a lot of HDTVs then? It's awful, seriously unplayable.


                    I agree, but it's still better than not having one though


                      Nah it's not unplayable. My Sony TV is fine with them, not the best of pictures, but it'll do until component


                        Originally posted by IanE
                        Not seen composite on a lot of HDTVs then? It's awful, seriously unplayable.
                        Depends on the screen. The Sony Bravias fair very well, because they (apparently) have a decent comb filter. I'm using a Wii on my Bravia 32S2030 over Composite and it looks quite nice actually, though certainly no Component.


                          Originally posted by Selix
                          The agony is worse when you have the console but you can't play it because of the lack of component. Zelda looks SO BAD on a HDTV with a composite lead
                          cry me a river

                          personally Im using my time figuring out how best to bomb import madness with aids


                            Good plan! They've apparently shipped mine out now, any bets that that's bull****? I hope not anyways!


                              Oh yeh, mines shipped now as well, but customs have a christmas backlog apparently and its gonna be Monday before it gets outta customs now.

                              It would be funny if it wasnt so not funny.


                                Oh, you got a shipping confirmation? Cool. When did you get that?

