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Edge 126 scores

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    Edge 126 scores

    Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness - 4
    Eye Toy: Play - 8
    Star Trek: Elite Force II - 6
    Ghost Master - 6
    Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter - 7
    Starsky & Hutch - 7
    Wario World - 7
    Ghost Vibration - 5
    Smash Cars - 7
    Summer Heat Beach Volleyball - 6
    Naruto 'Gekito Ninja Taisen' - 3
    Hulk - 3

    Thanks to Omizzay at RLLM.

    We've heard all the anti-Edge comments before, please don't repeat them again as it is incredibly boring.

    Dull month. Can't you just tell it's summer?


      What was said about Tomb Raider?

      Seems awfully low for something that has been delayed as long as it has.

      Was kinda looking forward to it really. Shame.


        Edge are so wrong about *insert game*, there no way it could only be worth a *insert score*, Edge dont know what they are talking about Zzzz

        Now thats off my chest, thanks for posting the scores. Ill wait until Ive read the review before commenting on the games of interest there to me, namely Naruto, Starsky and Hutch, and Wario World. Seems like a dull month for games though judging by that list, I was hoping to see a VJ review there.

        Ours will be online very soon btw, and will feature as a part of our site relaunch


          Does anyone who have the magazine know why they gave Naruto 3? Not that it really matters, i'm just interested.


            An average score of below 6? Still above standard, but then weren't last months scores fairly low as well? Now the month before was a cracker if I remember rightly. Shame they didn't have the balls to drop the scrores. Place them at the end of the mag by all means, but at least it shook everyone up a bit. Shame on you Edge for not being the market leader and following your dreams.

            Must say I do like the piccies of the DOA girls in the buff

            alan m


              I can't take the credit. Hitcher posted them, and i just quoted him

              I just repeat what i said over there tho : I think the hulk score is very harsh. It deserves a 6 IMO. Also, Starsky and Hutch looks like it might be interesting - will check it out.


                Starsky & Hutch 7??? OMG. And I thought this game was gonna be a total failure. Bizarre.


                  after playing tomb raider I think that score is fair.


                    Originally posted by Kirby
                    Does anyone who have the magazine know why they gave Naruto 3? Not that it really matters, i'm just interested.
                    They said the combat was simplistic and it was too easy to complete it. It is easy to complete it but I dont think they gave the game much time as the battles can be quite tactical. It wont take long to complete but it will keep you coming back.

                    Another poor issue which is probably to do with the summer period, but they should offset poor games for review with an increase in good features which this month doesnt seem to be the case.


                      Originally posted by Vaipon
                      Starsky & Hutch 7??? OMG. And I thought this game was gonna be a total failure. Bizarre.
                      Yeah, they basically say that its a daft game that does exactly what it sets out to do, and does it well, unlike stuff like The Getaway that is so carried away with being a film that it forgets to be a game. And the two-player mode with one on lightgun is hilarious.


                        Im not suprised Naruto scored low, Edge dont like fighting games. VF4evo only got a 7

                        Does anyone know if Starsky and Hutch suports the Logitech wheel. have a strange urge to play it wheel in one had, G-Con in the other


                          Fairly sure it does, yes - thats why I'm considering getting it at some point.


                            how much would a game's score in a single magazine influence what you buy though.

                            A score in a magazine is generally a one or more persons opinion and it makes no difference to me whether they think x deserves a 8 and y deserves a 4.

                            Same thing with movie critics. The only reason i look at scores in any mag in generally for a laugh


                              If you do a forum search on "Edge scores" you will find numerous threads full of pages of posts debating/arguing/ridiculing Edge scores. Scores matter to people in many ways, yet what I consistantly notice about these threads is that there is little real discussion over the review text itself and the reason why the score is what it is, the focus being mainly on the little number at the end of the review.

                              Its one of the reasons Im giving thought to abandoning our current scoring system here at NTSC-uk, as in actuality a review score on its own means little if people do not read the reasoning behind it.

