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    Its down to £29.99, slash £6 within a day, still over priced im afraid.


      definately, I hope people aren't buying these. On the other hand, if the go is their first machine they don't have much choice...


        This is the thing. Go owners are totally dependent on the store. I'm seriously considering buying some US games but I'm hating the idea of account switching as I've already so many bought from our store.


          Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
          This is the thing. Go owners are totally dependent on the store. I'm seriously considering buying some US games but I'm hating the idea of account switching as I've already so many bought from our store.
          same here. I looked yesterday and if I had the cash there's easily 33 games I would happily buy. I can't believe why they don't appear here also. It's not as though they've never come out here.


            I'm very tempted to switch primarily to US games now.

            I've no idea what the problem with most of the PS1 games over here but that bloke on the PlayStation Blog seems to keep saying that there are some hefty obstacles getting them published over here and it's going to be a VERY long time before we get them.

            Things like Oddworld & MGS are really tempting me to use my US account now.


              Yes, definitely when it comes to the PS1 games, it looks like our store is not ever going to deliver. So many great games that aren't there that should be. Some even that were actually released on the UK store and then pulled for whatever reason - like Silent Hill and Cool Boarders 2.

              I'm slightly wary of the Oddworld games though. I adore them but I have memory of them using both sets of shoulder buttons and some in combination with other buttons. While the nub works fine as the shoulder buttons for many games, some games that require speed and accuracy or combinations may just be an exercise in frustration on the PSP.

              But, yeah, MGS, Silent Hill and then so many PSP games like the Metal Slug collection and more really have me itching to switch.


                I'm wondering if under some new bull**** EU law, all games have to have languages for all regions. That might be why there's the delay, mainly because Sony can't be bothered. When you look at the sheer amount of quality titles available it is tempting to go US. It's just a shame buying points is so damn expensive.


                  It's so hard to know. It could be all sorts of awkward licensing issues. For example, even down to music contracts - all it takes is one game to end up in the wrong territory that goes against someone's contract and they find themselves in trouble. I don't know, it could be any number of things. I do wonder if it's the music that's keeping Wipeout 2097 from the store - that's a first party Sony title so they can't claim any publisher trouble there.

                  But it's a pain in the ass for us.


                    I'm going to switch to US as soon as I tire of what I currently have. Only thing holding me back is Monster Hunter. If I'd bought that on the US store I'd switch right now. If I could get this poxy phone to tether then the issue would go away.


                      I've decided I'm definitely going to be US from now now on, I'll maybe occasionally buy games from other regions but I do want to avoid having to mess around with different IDs.

                      When it comes to games over here, when one of the games that was removed it was mentioned on the Blog that it went up in error and that it was something to do with licensing which prevented them from re-listing it.

                      Let's be honest, there's a lot of what is pretty much free money waiting for Sony and the other developers in the masses of PS1 games lying around which people would buy. The only thing that's really going to stop them from doing it is if the expense and time just isn't worth it for them.

                      Cross border publishing in Europe is ridiculously complex in comparison to places like the US due to the laws not being designed to assist digital distribution. There's very good reasons that it's taken so long for the Movie Store to be released over here and it's the same reason that the video store on the 360 is pathetic in comparison to other regions.

                      The big turnaround in this won't be lead by people like Microsoft & Sony it'll be lead on a governmental level cross Europe and it could unfortunately be years away from happening.

                      Let's be honest, when PS2 games are released over the PSN we're probably going to have exactly the same problems that we're having with PS1 games now as the chances are nothing will have really changed.


                        IMO if you own a Go then the US store is the really the only viable option for it.
                        i switched really early on and never looked back after buying prinny for $10 on sale and more recently Loco roco midnight carnival.
                        Sony should have had loads of my cash but instead ebay reseleers of cards have had it instead and i play my go loads because of it.


                          If I was to look into that route, are there any specific recommended code sellers?


                            Gamepoints now are trustworthy but expensive.

                            There was an American one posted on the general US PSN that sold them for full RRP but used the standard Paypal exchange rate (halfway between tourist and banking rate).

                            I switched to the US store when I bought my 2000. Much better selection of games for RPG fans but there's a slight bit more variety in general. Better deals and slightly cheaper (aside from $40 games). Remember you pay tax on everything.


                              I usually buy them from shops such as hdmoviesource or Maximus Cards.

                              The price of the points can change from week to week so I recommend checking a few placing an order really. I've not bought any for a while but I seem to use Maximus Cards when I'm buying them as they've always been reliable and I get the code instantly.

                              I've not had any problems with anywhere else but I'm happy to keep using them now I've got used to them.

                              Anyway, I'm downloading all my US PS1 games again and I'm looking forward to giving things like Final Fantasy Tactics, Blood Omen, MGS, Wild Arms 1 & 2, Castlevania SoTN a go and I remembered earlier that things like Pandemonium, Um Jammer Lammy & Silent Hill are available so I'm not exactly short of games to play on it.

                              Originally posted by abigsmurf
                              I switched to the US store when I bought my 2000. Much better selection of games for RPG fans but there's a slight bit more variety in general. Better deals and slightly cheaper (aside from $40 games). Remember you pay tax on everything.
                              Additional sales tax isn't applicable in all states, I only pay the quoted price on the Store as I've registered an address in Delaware. Some other states do charge additional sales tax on top of the quoted price.


                                really? crap, can I change my Address to delaware then?

                                It's only 6-7% but it's enough to leave you with awkward amounts in your account

