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Wii Wishes

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    Wii Wishes

    The Wii is out and most of us have been waving our arms about with the thing for some time now, but as I was sitting playing some 360 thinking how well rounded out it is, it occurred to me that the Wii really needs a few things.

    So as a bit of new years fun, what wii (three) wishes would you like to see come true in 2007?

    For me, it would be:

    - Fully wireless control, specifically a wireless nunchuck and a wireless classic controller. No more messy wires Nintendo, 360 has really shown the way there and wires are a thing of the past.

    - Pilotwings Wii. Playing the sky diving mini game in Rayman only confirmed what I already knew - the Wii NEEDS a new Pilotwings game. The thing is almost custom made for it!

    - Something new and earth shattering from Miyamoto. Mario is good, Zelda is good, but Nintendo please show us you can come up with not just a new way to play, but a new game world to play in too. Wii Sports was fun, but small. I want a completely new game which is as deep as any classic Miyamoto series, but also could only be done on Wii.

    Three wishes:

    FFCC sees the light of day in the next 12 months with DS Compatability (much like cube to gba)

    A sequel to Elebits (I love the first one too much)

    And also... a permanent blue light for the console

    Yes... I'm a flash whore.


      It needs the Mii channel to stop crashing.

      It needs new and original games both from Nintendo itself and third parties, the kind of games that are only possible on the Wii. A lack of exclusives hurt the Gamecube and that needs to be prevented from happening to the Wii.


        Samba De Amigo 2007. nuff said!


          Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko View Post
          - Something new and earth shattering from Miyamoto. Mario is good, Zelda is good, but Nintendo please show us you can come up with not just a new way to play, but a new game world to play in too. Wii Sports was fun, but small. I want a completely new game which is as deep as any classic Miyamoto series, but also could only be done on Wii.
          I think that's what most people will be wanting. I'm not fussed about it coming from Miyamoto specifically, but I'd really like to see Nintendo take some risks with new IP that involve more than just a few mini-games. If the money is rolling in as we are led to believe they're one of the few companies that can do it - Sony have in particular this last generation come up with the goods (God of War, Team ICO stuff springs immediately to mind).

          Other than that, I really really want to see what they can do with their existing IP that's built from the ground up for the platform. I'm not far into Zelda at the moment, but it's painfully apparent it's not designed with the Wii in mind - so MP3 in particular is high on my wish list along with the next Zelda.

          My other real priority, and one I sadly don't expect to get, is some real thought put into the online service. It's painful to add people at the moment and I just can't see any justification for it.

          Lastly, a real online experience coming in-house. Something that actually makes sense (So not Zelda or MP, for instance) like a real POK?MON MMO style game or something similar.


            I'm just waiting for that kickstart now - the time when developers realise what they can do with the Wii and take advantage of it. It took quite a while to happen on the DS and it could take longer on the Wii but I'm sure it will happen. And when it does, I think we could all be in for a treat.

            I just hope it's not a complete drought until then.


              - Original games. I don't care about the genre, let them be original. Let us use the controller in ways we could have never thought, without forgetting to make it fun.

              - Official (or at least working) li-ion batteries for the controllers, but with "external" chargers. No, I don't like the idea to keep a console in stand-by to charge a controller through the USB port. For example, everyone in japan has the DS lite, why not using it rather than producing a new plug?

              - Nippon Ichi and Sting, get to work on a 2D strategic game. Now.

              Those are more dreams than wishes:

              - A complete change of the VC: when you buy a game, you buy all three versions (jap, usa, eu), if available and of course everyone can buy everything. Then, if someone would be so kind to translate some jap games for the westeners...

              - Wii outputting to 720p. I heard that it's something of "undocumented" HW feature, so maybe, a firmware update...

              - All games region-free.


                Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko View Post
                - Pilotwings Wii. Playing the sky diving mini game in Rayman only confirmed what I already knew - the Wii NEEDS a new Pilotwings game. The thing is almost custom made for it!
                Oh yes. Pilot Wings on the Wii has the potential to be one of the best games ever to grace a Nintendo console. Not only do I demand Pilot Wings on the Wii, I demand Nintendo really go to town on it - give it their full attention, full to the brim of extras and neat little touches.


                  More games. Seriously. Just - more.

                  Also, for Ubisoft to stop with the PS2 ports already. The GC was more powerful than the PS2 and the Wii has more RAM and twice the clock speed, so why not give Splinter Cell DA (for instance) the Xbox port it deserves?

                  60hz PAL games, and 60 Hz VC. I'm so convinced this will happen that... I'm planning on picking up a US machine!


                    konami bemani games.

                    a katamari damacy game.

                    thats all!


                      Free games on the VC either at special times or when you buy a certain game it'll have a code you put in the "add wii points" section.
                      - It was said this may happen by Nintendo but seeing how greedy they are with money and how successful the VC appears to be they'll probably "forget"

                      Firmware upgrade that allows you to play dvds/Audio cds (while playing VC games?) and gives you an 'online now' friends list. With messaging etc.


                        Originally posted by Ouenben View Post
                        Free games on the VC either at special times or when you buy a certain game it'll have a code you put in the "add wii points" section.
                        Poking around Shop Channel's error codes shows that there channel has support for cards that can be used only to purchase certain titles.


                          Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko View Post
                          - Something new and earth shattering from Miyamoto. Mario is good, Zelda is good, but Nintendo please show us you can come up with not just a new way to play, but a new game world to play in too. Wii Sports was fun, but small. I want a completely new game which is as deep as any classic Miyamoto series, but also could only be done on Wii.
                          I'd settle for a few more reasonably sized games before now and the end of June. Looking back to the GC line up we had Luigi's Mansion and Pikmin as first party launch titles.

                          There's not much (i.e. one title) in the launch line up that interests me at the moment.


                            just more games and maybe a few FPS shooters that actually use the controls properly


                              A wish:

                              Faster localisation and Nintendo pushing the matter. Its all well and good expanding the demographic if publishers are not getting out of the Japanese waters. I hope Nintendo of Europe makes amends and fixes their localisation issues this year otherwise its going to be another import lot for me.

                              Animal Crossing in every region before the end of the year.

                              Metriod 3 with full online play and co-op mode

                              More Co-Op games in general

                              A dream more then a wish:

                              Jump come to a agreement with Bandai that europe is worth the translation costs and brings over their games subbed - not dubbed.

