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    What is your worst game of the year?

    My Vote:

    Sonic the Hedgehog

    I'm quite lucky to have stayed away from the stinkers this year! There's no one worst game that seems to stick out in my head.

    I think the only one that sticks out in my head is trying to play the Rumble Roses XX demo on the xbox live marketplace. Just... no.


      Even though i've bought the best part of 70 games this year I can't say I've played anything this year that I've thought was rubbish. Metroid Prime Hunters, Monkey Ball Wii and Ultimate Ghosts & Goblins were big letdowns but I still don't regret getting them. I'd probably say Tourist Trophy was the worst thing I've bought this year, not even in the same league as MotoGP 06 (which wasn't even that good this year either). But the worst thing I've played would be the Sonic 360 demo by a mile. What a load of ****.


        i'm with boris, sonic is dreadful

        i also thought lego star wars 2 was terrible. unfair level design, game breakingly buggy, poor combat mechanics and no split screen for the coop


          Think I've been quite lucky this year on the whole. The only game that really sticks out is Pro Evo 6 on the 360 (PS2 version is ok).

          imo it's a horrible, ugly, rushed, sluggish, buggy, shameless cash in. I know it's probably divided opinion more than any other game this year but it just leaves me cold. I guess one man's goty is another's wgoty!


            I'd go with Sonic as the worst single player game I've played, and Pro Evo / Winning Eleven 360 as the worst online game. Offline I can have some fantastic matches, but online it's so unresponsive and laggy that it ruins it. Full Auto also pissed me off due to not being able to last five minutes before crashing (the game, not my car ).


              Hmm...worst game I've personally played that springs to mind at the moment is "The Outfit" just seemed a complete load of ****ty bollocks.


                I found the Saints Row demo was just rubbish. Bland, boring and just very uninteresting game.


                  I don't think I've played any really bad solo games but I found Star Fox Command extremely disappointing. I don't know why GamesTM gave it such a good review and later recommendations. It's so absolutely middling and tasteless it hurts. It could have been such a great game as well if they'd tightened the flight mechanics. The controls were pretty good but the levels were just so aimless!

                  As for multiplayer I found Metroid Hunters to be the most unbalanced, frustrating, unfair and exploit-riddled multiplayer game I've ever played on a console. It was fun for a few weeks but once everybody worked out the cheap tactics and exploits it became unplayable very quickly.

                  Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                  Hmm...worst game I've personally played that springs to mind at the moment is "The Outfit" just seemed a complete load of ****ty bollocks.
                  I wondered why it's been reduced to ?15 in a couple of shops. Glad I didn't buy it in the end as I'm a sucker for squad-based games.


                    I noticed someone said Lego Star Wars II as well!! I got that for christmas and I'm absolutely LOVING it, played nearly 7 hours already and not even finished with episode IV...still yet to touch episodes V and VI!

                    Not sure if it's this year but I'd also vote for "Sudoku Mania" on DS. Thought it'd be like the Sudoku game within Brain Training...jesus was I wrong. Appalling game at whatever price.

                    Novadrome on XBL as well, terrible, terrible terrible!

                    I'd also vote for Metroid Hunters, couldn't get on with it at all and found it pretty much unplayable.

                    There has been some stinkers but then there's been some incredible games too so I don't feel to bad ragging on some of these piles of ****.


                      Sonic the Hedgehog - 360.

                      Worst game this year by far.


                        Splinter Cell Double Agent on 360. After the excellent Chaos Theory that was a massive let down, far too much trial and error gameplay for my liking.


                          Sonic on 360 isn't the worst game of the year, it would have to be a game for that title. It's just the "Worst Thing of the Year".


                            I've bought a lot of stuff this year, and none of it has made me sick to the stomach ( although I didn't buy Sonic ). Didn't really get on with Just Cause, but I don't think it's a terrible game.

                            I don't think that dwelling on the most negative aspects of gaming is something to celebrate generally anyway.


                              The worst game I bought was Table Tennis on the 360, being slightly colour blind made the game impossible for me to play with any real skill. I could never tell what type of shot my opponent was playing.

