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Kojima - "The Wii might be a new offering, but I think its archaic..."

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    Kojima - "The Wii might be a new offering, but I think its archaic..."

    Apparently, a new interview with Mr Metal Gear himself.

    Nabbed from NeoGAF.

    Better Translation (and its appearantly from Gamemaga)

    -Nomura san, what do you think about the Price of the PS3?

    Nomura : Its expensive.. But when FF hits it will be lower .. i guess

    Kojima : Nobody said that its cheap. But the PS3 is the future. The Wii is fun, but the graphics and functionality are from a past age. As a game designer the Wii has potential but graphics and sound are the most important elements that have to follow suit to movies

    Nomura : Thinking about 2 or 3 years later.. The PS3 will be more suited. I think the PS3 will do well when the games we make hit.

    Kojima: At E3 i said that the PS3 is a movie theater.. The X360 is a DVD that you watch at home and the Wii is a television broadcast. The Wii is easy to hook up, but in the end the creators will look in the future.. and that is the PS3

    - The Wii was pretty big this E3 right ??

    Kojima ; The best solution would be Wiis controller with PS3... Every hardware has its strong point and weak point. But cutting the evolution of the PS3 would mean that the industry wont grow anymore. You heard about the remake of Poseidon right? It was a movie from 1972. Back then it was hard to get decent funding for movies and the director put in his own money to get the movie out. It was a huge success and the movie industry changed. If the funding of great games stops.. what will happen... Ill tell you what.. you will only see games like variety programms and gag shows you see in the TV broadcasts nowadays.. its not culture, its nothing.

    -Brain training was a smash hit.. but its hard to say that its a game

    Kojima : Mr Nomura did you touch the Wii?

    Nomura : Yes.. It was fun and i could concentrate on the games. but you had to get used to it i guess.

    Kojima : Its certainly fun.. But there are friggin light gun games.. i felt like im back at the 70s. Everyone sits at the table and eats dinner. then everyone gathers to play a game. like cards.. Nintendo tries to relive this age. But now it is the dawn of an age where everyone holds a console of his own to play it alone in his room. The Wii might be a new offering but i think its archaic. It is fun.. But Bashing the PS3 feels like saying "lets get rid of movie theaters".. Are you all okay with only TV broad cast and variety shows..?

    "But now it is the dawn of an age where everyone holds a console of his own to play it alone in his room. The Wii might be a new offering but i think its archaic."

    Wow, what a brave new future - lock yourself in your room > fun?


      "the PS3 is a movie theater.. The X360 is a DVD that you watch at home and the Wii is a television broadcast"

      Not the best analogy - movie theatres round here have rubbish sound, dubious lighting conditions, popcorn everywhere and spotty oiks ruining the experience.

      Sounds like the sort of rubbish I'd come up with


        He does talk a lot of tripe. He makes good games, but talks an awful lot of nonsense. You can see where he gets those awful codec conversations from now, he just reads his own ramblings.

        -Nomura san, what do you think about the Price of the PS3?

        Kojima : I don't care I get it for free you see. Now buy my nice looking, but criminally short game or perish. Remember, like I said I'm not revisiting the MGS series again after number 2, no number 3, no number 4, and I really mean it this time, so you'd better buy it.
        Last edited by jimmbob; 04-01-2007, 11:58.


          Well, I think he talks tripe AND makes **** games. Snatcher being the exception. What a ted.

          That has to be the worst **** I've ever read.


            Kojima is really living up to the 'auter' thing now - not only does he have the critics eating out of his hands but he's also become a pretentious prick with his head so far up his own ass he can't relate to the Joe Public punter anymore.


              I've seen so many people say they'll buy a PS3 just for MGS. I just can't see myself being that eager for it.

              I don't understand why he's calling the PS3 a movie theatre and the Xbox, by comparison, a DVD player - All the comparisons of the machines so far have failed to call either a winner.


                That interview makes me feel that Sony has stuff a wad of cash in Kojima's back pocket. Deary me he sounds so arrogant! What a strange and dissapointing interview. To some degree he is comparing the wii with the program big brother. ai yi yi...............

                Im jus shocked that he would say something like this, as a games designer, i thought he would have welcomed Nintendos approach. Notice the part where he goes the PS3 will sell better when games like 'his' become available?

                Im jus so.......... flabbagasted!

                Last edited by 112; 04-01-2007, 12:18.


                  Originally posted by Mr Up His Own Arse
                  Bashing the PS3 feels like saying "lets get rid of movie theaters".. Are you all okay with only TV broad cast and variety shows..?
                  Erm yes - The cinema is ****e you fool.


                    Deary me. I stopped reading after the second paragraph. Utter tripe.


                      Originally posted by 112 View Post
                      That interview makes me feel that Sony has stuff a wad of cash in Kojima's back pocket. Deary me he sounds so arrogant!
                      That's exactly what I thought. He's always been a huge believer in his own hype. See Metal Gear Solid 2 for confirmation of that. Personally I'm not too excited about number 4, as I don't like the look of "Ancient Snake" and after the beautiful outdoor settings of number 3, I don't really find the urban look that appealing. But we'll see, it might be the second coming everyone' hoping for. And if it's ****e, we'll still have MGS3Sub.


                        Turns out this interview is from last june, he did sound pretty defensive of the PS3 though.

                        He's always been a huge believer in his own hype. See Metal Gear Solid 2 for confirmation of that.
                        MGS2 lived up to the hype. Believe.


                          3 was better.


                            MGS3 as a game was good, MGS3 as a MGS game was pretty sub-standard. Thats another thread though.


                              Not wishing to derail the thread, but after playing MGS3 Subsistence, I just can't enjoy MGS2, it plays fine obviously, but the story is absolute crap, which, for a very story based series isn't ideal. It all started so well with the beautiful tanker level and correct protagonist. But after that I couldn't get on with the orange shell, the strange plot involving metal gear colons, and of course the transsexual lead character. I just hope 4 doesn't go down the same route. Infiltrate base - Take off mask - long story - Ninja - Mech - A million polygon moustache - End.

