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Kojima - "The Wii might be a new offering, but I think its archaic..."

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    Originally posted by charlesr View Post
    "the PS3 is a movie theater.. The X360 is a DVD that you watch at home and the Wii is a television broadcast"

    Not the best analogy - movie theatres round here have rubbish sound, dubious lighting conditions, popcorn everywhere and spotty oiks ruining the experience.
    LOL, I thought the exact same thing. I keep hearing how people are staying away from the cinemas because they prefer to wait for the DVD and watch them at their own convenience. At least that way I can pause it if a phone goes off and the person decides to hold a conversation.

    Oh, and MGS > MGS3: Subsistence > MGS2 >>>>>> MGS3
    Last edited by NekoFever; 04-01-2007, 12:53.


      Not wishing to derail the thread, but after playing MGS3 Subsistence, I just can't enjoy MGS2, it plays fine obviously, but the story is absolute crap, which, for a very story based series isn't ideal. It all started so well with the beautiful tanker level and correct protagonist. But after that I couldn't get on with the orange shell, the strange plot involving metal gear colons, and of course the transsexual lead character. I just hope 4 doesn't go down the same route. Infiltrate base - Take off mask - long story - Ninja - Mech - A million polygon moustache - End.
      I'd love to respond, but I feel that if I make a big ass post it'll just help in derailing the thread and then it getting deleted.


        Yeah I suppose it's a whole other thread.
        I'm sure it's only Eva that makes me love MGS3 so much anyway.


          From a man who makes film-like games, I guess the comments are understandable.

          It seems he's yearning for the day that he's asked to make a MG film, as the comments suggest the cinema experience is his idea of the gaming pinnacle.


            Originally posted by NekoFever View Post
            At least that way I can pause it if a phone goes off and the person decides to hold a conversation.
            Or go to the fridge for a can of coke that doesn't cost ?6.50, or even dare I say it, a beer.

            Anyway, since this interview was from ages ago, I don't think there's any point in continuing to muse over his ramblings, but I'll leave it open so more people can vent about their cinema experience and take it wildly off topic.


              Originally posted by charlesr View Post
              I'll leave it open so more people can vent about their cinema experience and take it wildly off topic.
              **** picture, **** sound, ?8.50 a ticket, sticky floors, dickhead chavs, 30 minutes of adverts, uncomfortable seats, wildly expensive drinks/snacks.

              what more is there to say? my last few 'experiences' at the cinema have been ****ing woeful, and i live in a massive city for crying out loud. i dread to think what it's like in a tiny city!!


                Originally posted by Crisp_Rapper View Post
                **** picture, **** sound, ?8.50 a ticket, sticky floors, dickhead chavs, 30 minutes of adverts, uncomfortable seats, wildly expensive drinks/snacks.

                what more is there to say? my last few 'experiences' at the cinema have been ****ing woeful, and i live in a massive city for crying out loud. i dread to think what it's like in a tiny city!!
                Might actually be better! Less population = less chance of chavvy teenage prats ruining the film! I've been to the cinema once in about five years I think. I like my DVDs


                  If the man had made comments praising the Wii and denouncing the PS3, you'd all be on side. It's just an opinion and his points are valid. Whether they are relevant to you or I is entirely different, but to call him 'arrogant' or 'pretentious' for having an opinion is bizarre.

                  And hypocritical.

                  He's right - the graphics and sound of the Wii are archaic. That's the point he's making and he's right. You can see from his games why these elements would be his primary concern. Does this threaten your enjoyment of the Wii? It shouldn't.

                  As for cinema experiences, here in Dublin cinemas seem to be going through a boom. Great sound, huge screens and, in general, not a bad crowd either.


                    Originally posted by HumanEnergy View Post
                    Might actually be better! Less population = less chance of chavvy teenage prats ruining the film!
                    thing is, chavs aren't the real problem as they can be ejected if you can be arsed to find a staff member. all the other stuff makes it terrible, picture and sound, it's a CINEMA! if nothing else the picture and sound should be top notch, but it isn't!


                      What a joke of an interview, the guy is full of the same convoluted pish as the MGS games.


                        True, although the sound a picture of the last film I saw (Silent Hill) were actually pretty good... well... maybe they weren't brilliant but they didn't stand out as ****e

                        Back on topic, I do agree with Dogg_Thang. If Kojima really does think the PS3 is the dogs bollocks then fair play to him. I disagree with his view but he's entitled to voice his opinion (although perhaps the way he says it doesn't make him come across in the best possible light!).


                          Nah - Higher chav percentage in smaller towns guys.

                          I watched 'Crank' last night at mine, breaking my own 'no smoking (whilst projector is in use)' rules with the volume at 'I'm a right ****ing ignorant twat' level - best movie experience of my life so far.

                          Top film, and better presentation than any ****ing cinema I've ever been to (bar IMax).

                          "Piracy is destroying the industry!" No, your stupid ****ing prices and **** films/overpaid actors are ruining the industry. I'm totally not arsed about what used to be one of my favourite things anymore. Cheers.

                          Kojima: Get ****ed!


                          Also, these big ****-off multiplex jobs.... I hate it how you can feel the rumble from the adjacent auditorium. GRRR>


                            I can't believe he would say any of that, it's the kind of thing phil harrison would go on about.


                              Nomura is a joke, and Kojima should be spending his time on a Snatcher remake.


                                From Kojima's point of view the Wii wouldn't further his MGS series, seeing as he is so focused on the graphics and sound the Wii would technically be a huge step back in the series.

                                The only thing he likes about the Wii is the controller which it pretty much the same for everyone. So even tho he comes across as being a twat he makes some sound points.

