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Yes, the yearly ATEI arcade meet thread and who's coming

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    Too Spicy and IIDX Gold need to make it to the trocadero.

    Hell, i'd be happy if we got a Distorted cab, I love the look of the interface to that.


      Originally posted by Silvergun X View Post
      Too Spicy and IIDX Gold need to make it to the trocadero.

      Hell, i'd be happy if we got a Distorted cab, I love the look of the interface to that.
      What so they can neglect it like they did with Drummania?, I used to love going to troc whenever I visited London but it's just a ****hole now with clueless staff and badly maintained cabs. If only we had the likes of Club Sega over here


        Well, I see what you mean about the badly maintained cabs but still, it's much better than anything else you can get around where I live!

        Saying that though, the neogeo cabs only had 3 buttons wired, One of the Outrun2SP cabinets had a screwed accelerator, the missile button on the Afterburner Climax machine was haywire, and the control stick on the Soul Calibur 2 arcade machine was wired up completely wrong...


        I still like it. Everything else worked fine.

        Please bring this stuff to troc. I'll guard them with my life, I promise. T_T


          We've tried numerous times to suggest to them to bring IIDX over - at one point I knew someone who was distributing them to arcades in Italy, and managed to get to the point where I was able to speak to the buyers at Funland, but sadly nothing ever came of it. The cabs that were at ATEI are sadly going straight to America - I heard two different stories as to why this was, both due to ridiculous legislation, but either way it seems that they're now putting these machines on their UK price list, so who knows? Fingers crossed...

          In other news, we didn't realise until day 3, but the guy at the Konami stand asking people not to take videos and such forth was infact Tadao Kageyama, a.k.a KAGE. I got my photo taken with him


            He looks about as thrilled as me at the prospect of another Naoki/Paula Terry collaboration.

            Somewhere like Las Vegas or Play 2 Win Oxford Street would be preferable over Trocadero for IIDX although judging by the state they were in when I popped in earlier this month they look like they've gone severely down hill as well, depressing really.


              Eurogamer show report


                Did any magazines attend this event? I didn't even find out about until I started writing Retro Gamer's news yesterday.

                Looks awesome. I hope the printed press gives it some decent coverage. THIS is precisely what I like reading about in games mags.


                  so that's where the hits are coming from

                  Originally posted by phillai View Post
                  I keep seeing traffic from and I finally know why. It's funny you found us in Australia but nothing local.




                    Where was ATEI? And was it open to the general public? If so, I missed it, and I'm not happy


                      It was at Earl's Court, and if you know how to make up a job title/company name then it was open to you

