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The EDGE issue 173 thread

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    I'm glad that Crackdown got a great review. Even tho I enjoyed the demo immensely, I had my doubts about stretching that one hour over 10-20+ hours. Now just gotta hope my Asian pre-order turns out to be region free!

    What did they say about Kaitou Wario? I really like the Wario Land games and was looking forward to a new Wario platformer. Then again, EDGE didn't like Yoshi's Island DS and I don't really understand what they didn't like about it (I'm lovin it)


      Originally posted by gaz@manc View Post
      What did they say about Kaitou Wario? I really like the Wario Land games and was looking forward to a new Wario platformer. Then again, EDGE didn't like Yoshi's Island DS and I don't really understand what they didn't like about it (I'm lovin it)
      They did Kirby: SS a nice 7 last issue, I was hoping Wario would get about the same.


        Originally posted by mr_sockochris View Post
        Can you offer a summary of the F1 review? The demo is nowhere near a 4 so I fear there's something critially wrong with it (unless they just marked it down for being a 'boring F1 game'?)
        I've played the full version and a 4 is really harsh imo. It's not perfect but certainly nowhere near as bad as the score suggests.

        The review starts off with a bit of a dig at F1 (the sport), so straight away you get the impression it's on a hiding to nothing. Basically the one, & pretty much only, reason for the low score seems to be that the reviewer didn't like the handling (too much understeer in corners & too light/ twitchy on the straights) & likens it to driving a bobsleigh.

        The handling isn't perfect (probably in part down to the sixaxis pad) but it's not a gamebreaker imo & you do get used to it. It's a solid, polished game with plenty of depth and the online aspect (US & UK release only) should only add to what's already a pretty solid package.

        Far be it from me to suggest that Edge reviews aren't always entirely objective....but had the name 'Geoff Crammond' appeared on the box I wouldn't have been at all surprised if it'd scored 2 or 3 points higher

        If you were thinking of buying this game on the strength of the demo then I'd say go for it. The handling's pretty much identical & the framerate's a fair bit smoother too.
        Last edited by tom-nook; 12-02-2007, 13:41.


          Originally posted by John Beaulieu View Post
          I don't like posting about review scores but.......

          F1 Champ Ed (PS3) - 4
          Battlestations: Midway (360) - 5

          are both way way off.
          I agree, F1 is a great game and it would be a solid 7 easily without online for JPN version for me its been the suprise game I got and had the most fun out of it; it is more akin to a PC sim now and less arcadey than the previous versions. Battlestations Ive seen loads of reviews and they concentrate on it as 1player which is daft and comparable to saying the same about Battlefield 2 its about 2player fun at least and deserves a good 8. Up their with the best 360 live games


            Read the Sunshine feature today and have to say I don't really agree with most of it. A couple of things I remember:

            1. They said that the islanders were far less appealing than normal Mario characters (I thought they were quite fun, personally - especially the doot-doot girls).

            2. That pre-rendered cutscenes were a bad move (they were only a couple of minutes long at the absolute maximum!) and

            3. That the suggestion that Baby Bowser was in part the offspring of peach introduced a notion of sex into the formerly naive world of Mario (for goodness sakes: no such thing is necessarily implied any more than by Bowser's obsession with constantly kidnapping peach!)

            I've never really agreed in the past, but I think this was an example of EDGE taking things too seriously.


              Originally posted by monomaniacpat View Post
              3. That the suggestion that Baby Bowser was in part the offspring of peach introduced a notion of sex into the formerly naive world of Mario

              are they serious?
              Did I just totally miss that disturbing plot element?

