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flOw - PS3

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    flOw - PS3

    Just downloaded this but was only able to have a quick go of it.

    From even before you start playing and the game is highlighted in the XMB you can tell where this is going - it just washes over you with a wave of serenity thanks to the music.

    Naturally it's just like the Flash game but a lot more polished - the orchestrated music really is lovely as you're little critter glides through the water swallowing smaller inhabitants. Different edibles mean different shapes being added the body of your floaty, pincered thing.

    Eating the circular red hatched ones causes you to dive down an extra depth where there's more food. Blue hatched ones take you back up towards the surface.

    You're not the biggest amoeba in the pond though - there are much bigger and more complex forms which require tactics to take them on. Only certain parts of them are edible and you have to get it right or they'll eat you instead.

    Control is through the tilt function only and took me all of 30 seconds to get used to, with any button being used to speed up your creature and the only other button function being the start button which pauses the game (well, pause in the loosest sense of the term as it just takes you back to surface depth where it's nice and safe and your creature can float about with impunity while you go and do whatever it is you have to do. Pressing it again takes you back down to were you were). The tilt control works quite well - it quickly feels like using a mouse to control it after the initial time adjusting.

    Looks great too - very minimalist with pulsing colours that suit the whole them.

    Lovely, lovely escapism with fantastic music - a cracking little chill out game which is the perfect way to wind down after blowing lots of stuff up in Crackdown.

    Looking forward to playing lots more of this




      I've just got this myself and it really is a cool game to play. I was unable to put the pad down for 30 minutes. The game is very simple to play... although I haven't tried the multiplayer options...


        How much is this? from the US PS Store?


          Is it obtainable via a UK card, gents?


            Aye, Spatial. Crackdown and Flow probably would be a great combination.

            It looks so lovely.


              Originally posted by Bleeders View Post
              Is it obtainable via a UK card, gents?
              I don't think Visa cards work, but I've been able to add funds with my Mastercard one with no probs.

              I bought Flow last night and ended up playing for ages. It's very relaxing, and I can imagine it being quite good to chill out with after a stressful day


                Bugger. >_<

                Ta' mate.


                  But is it enough to find an excuse to pick up a PS3 given the other software currently on offer? I guess not. :/

                  Why can't XBLA have something similar? I really want to play the PS3 version. ><


                    Yeah, to a certain extent this IS the best thing I've played on PS3 so far. Looks like it will be absolutely perfect late at night, in a room with only flOw for lighting. Good stuff, well worth the ?4 or whatever it cost.


                      can only echo whats been said already. its a lovely relaxing title, something to chill out to at the end of an evening brian eno would love this game.


                        Originally posted by Concept View Post
                        But is it enough to find an excuse to pick up a PS3 given the other software currently on offer?
                        In terms of being a system seller, flOw definitely isn't.

                        I think that it's an incredibly niche title and people will either love it for what it is and dig the whole relaxing, floaty vibe, or they'll just miss the point entirely and hate everything about it.

                        Personally I think its lovely and something that the PSN store has been crying out for since day one. It gives me high hopes of what's to come in the future (off the top of my head, David Jaffe's Calling All Cars which is expected next month).


                          Is there a demo up?


                            No. There's a video, but no demo. It would probably negate the need for the game.


                              Originally posted by Spatial101 View Post
                              In terms of being a system seller, flOw definitely isn't.

                              I think that it's an incredibly niche title and people will either love it for what it is and dig the whole relaxing, floaty vibe, or they'll just miss the point entirely and hate everything about it.

                              Personally I think its lovely and something that the PSN store has been crying out for since day one. It gives me high hopes of what's to come in the future (off the top of my head, David Jaffe's Calling All Cars which is expected next month).
                              Thanks for the write-up. 1UP recently showed more footage - looks gorgeous in my opinion.

                              Decided I won't be buying a PS3 until the end of 2007 though until the whole BC situation becomes clearer. I have to say that Sony deserve plaudits for funding the the PS3 development of Flow and bringing on board the developers. Reminds me slightly of what Valve did with the Portal bunch.

