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What's your primary games console?

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    There's a lot of love to go round in my house and plenty of takers. I don't think I favour any particular console much over the others, and tend to rotate between the consoles as I buy new games. Having said that my Wii has seen the least luvvin recently. It's basically become a Super Mario Bros Player until something more compelling comes out

    I would say my 360 has seen the most use of all since I bought it in November, but ATM I'm only using it to play Gears of War online. And my faithful PS2 is seeing as much action as ever. I've been playing God Hand to death the last couple of weeks, it's so good Buuut I'm still partial to my DS as well.

    Clearly I have some sort of problem.


      Nintendo ds for me. Mostly been playing the Mario and Yoshi games. I got a new tv and can now play on my Dreamcast, my older tv didn't seem to like it and some games didn't play properly. After ds it is my ps2 and getting stuck on Metal Gear Solid 3.


        For me it has to be the 360 - I've never been a huge console gamer if I'm being honest, but as my PC which is my first love no longer serves a purpose as a games machine, I've been able to put in a great deal of time with said 360.

        FFXI is still my game of the moment as it has been for a good 3 years now (Crackdown hasn't lured me away as much as I thought it would, but I think in all honesty the demo has spoilt it for me).

        As for a portable, I used to play my DS and PSP in equal measure up until a month ago when I finally had the bottle to hack my PSP's firmware and get this custom thingy on there. Since then my DS has seen absolutely no use which is quite odd I have to say, suddenly thats the console that has no games for it I want to play. Now what's even better I get to play all those Final fantasy games and other classic PS1 RPGS I never had the time for previously (not to mention my extensive library of classic Lucasarts point n click adventures) and the best part is, I can play em while in bed or on the ****ter (if I feel inclined to do so)


          360 takes up about 95% of my time. If it's not playing games it's streaming HD movies from PC or playing HD DVDs.

          The other 10% is split between my Wii and DS.


            360, i'm really undermined with the support the wii's had up till now.

            I never thought i'd be saying this...but the 360's my favourate console. The wii (although it has pretty much just came out) hasn't had any games so far bar zelda which have really grabbed my attention, the 360 had me grabbed with 5 quality games from the moment i bought it, and after the dry period which ended in march with oblivion...there's been no looking back with regards to quality 360 games.

            Complete turn around for microsoft IMO.

            360=80% Wii= 5% (if that) DS= 10% and PC about 5% too.


              Probably the 360 just now. I still use the DC and PS2 for my shooter fix but that's fairly infrequently. Wii usage has dropped off as well. I haven't even taken Zelda out the cellophane yet!

              Handhelds tend to be left alone unless the mood takes me or I'm travelling.

              Having said that I'm on constant nightshift until April sometime and I've hardly touched any game recently.


                I have a 45 minute commute each way every day, so the PSP will always be in first place for me. It also allows me to play at home without irritating the wife too much. For whatever reason I just can't get into DS games, although I love playing GBA games.

                Home consoles - the PS3 with its backwards compatibility probably takes it at the moment. I play quite a bit of 360 too. The novelty wore off rather quickly with the Wii.

                The last three days the Lynx has held top spot as I finally got hold of Warbirds and Zarlor Mercenary from other forum members.


                  360 by a country mile, nothing else gets a proper look in.


                    Same here, 360 all the way. Hardly play anything else ever now!


                      PS2 for me, been playing through my old 'valuable' PS1 stuff so I can stick it on eBay.

                      My XBox mainly gets use as a jukebox/DVD player these days, so it's a close second.


                        Most played in this order:

                        DS - I love this machine. I'm always scouring PlayAsia for weird, quirky curios as well. I don't think I'll ever get bored of my DS.

                        Wii - The thrill of 'the new' still hasn't worn off, and thanks to the Virtual Console and the Wii's interesting channels, it gets switched on every day for some reason or other.

                        Saturn - I still enjoy playing on this bad boy. So many excellent games...


                          360 by miles & miles.

                          Then wii, then my chipped xbox1 which is mainly used as a media centre and emulation hub

                          Guitar Hero 1&2 are my only PS2 games (I only bought one to play these) and to be fair see nearly as much airtime as the wii !


                            The only console I keep hooked up now is the Wii, but I've been playing my Micro quite a lot recently as well.


                              360 is my main console, although it hasn't been switched on since I started Twilight Princess.


                                Originally posted by Rossco View Post
                                Same here, 360 all the way. Hardly play anything else ever now!
                                Yup.Pretty much since the 360 launched,i have'nt really touched anything else.I don't see this changing at all tbh.

                                The 360 has a community feel that no other console can touch right now.I can't actually play the 360 unless im online,'cause i feel like i'm missing out.

                                I my 360.

