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Psyvariar Reloaded

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    Originally posted by Kirby
    So when you hit enemies bullets you get a shield which you can ram with? Is that what those lightning sparks are?

    Damn, i wish i hadn't got rid of my PS2 now
    There's a shield bar at the top of the screen - as you buzz & destroy bullets/enemies this bar fills up - when it fills completely, you level up & your ship is granted a few seconds invincibilty - the level bar is then reset - but - if you can refill the bar whilst in this state, in theory you could stay invincible forever (never quite pans out like that though )


      See the bar at the top of the screen? That builds up when you skim your ship's wings off enemy shots (BUZZ), when it maxes out you get a 2 second shield. The key is to get this shield then max it out again before it runs out by "BUZZING" as many more shots as possible.

      Edit: what he ^ said!


        Originally posted by MarkyB
        nice to see plenty of people getting into the game... all i have to say is.... WHERE WERE YOU GUYS WHEN WE WERE POSTING SCORES MONTHS AGO
        Hehehe, 0wning something else - I gotta let you guys have your glory


          Last one (this is sick! )


            OMG! colony gets destroyed!

            Was playing this seriously last night , I'm concentrating on earth (heh)

            Max buzz chain is now 794 (earth), so improving at least....
            I'm starting to really love this game playing it more than DDPdai ou..



              Originally posted by Kei
              Max buzz chain is now 794 (earth), so improving at least....
              I'm starting to really love this game playing it more than DDPdai ou..

              Nice one buddy - keep plugging away & you'll be buzzing over 1000 soon

              I still play Earth more than any other level - I should practice later levels really, because I'm rubbish at them.


                Guess it should be considered a testament to your skill that despite whatever stunts you're pulling off in those vids it looks really easy.

                What system is this game for anyway? PS2?


                  *cough* X-A *cough*

                  cant have all the glory saur!!!

