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    Awesome game, worth playing for the music alone




        Originally posted by figflair View Post
        In regards to the 'realism' of it, can I just ask: how many people who have played it have also actually driven an F355 in real life?
        i have but not at those speeds / situations so I don't feel I can comment. It iwll never ever be the same as far as I'm concerned though.
        As reaslistic as a game is it is not going to be the same as real life.


          Amazing game. I remember playing this in the arcades in London and getting my print-out...brilliant. Then when it came to Dreamcast I just fell in love. As already mentioned it destroyed steering wheels but who cares.

          Greatest racer I have ever played, bar none...


            Originally posted by Commander Marklar View Post
            Also, there's another gear-shifting technique and that's sort of 'blipping' the gears as you shift through. There's a website somewhere where it's all detailed with stats and fancy chart things, a couple of sound bites so you can hear what they should sound like.
            Aye, here it is.

            I take issue with the test results comparing the two shifting methods though since the dude who compared them (and concluded both were as fast as each other) wasn't very fast at doing 2up/1down changes. I just tried the same test he did and hit the wall at 210KMH even though I haven't played the game in 5 years and launched with TC switched off.

            Had a quick go on Suzuka Short while I was at it...first couple of laps were a bit wobbly but I was surprised how quickly I remembered how to play it. The RD2 ghost was beaten within 7 laps.


              No more...

              Don't make me have to buy another DC (and then the 20 plus 'must have' games to go with it).


                Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                I've been in one on a trackday - some random - I jumped in just as he was due to go out on track. Does that count?
                You know that makes you sound like a hijacker don't you?

                Random dude: "Who are you?"
                Charles: "Just shut up and drive and there won't be any problems!"

                The other great thing about the game is that it was the first driving game that I ever felt really comfortable with gear changes because of the twin triggers on the DC pad. I always hated using buttons or the d-pad on other consoles.
                Don't look at me, I'm irrelevant.


                  Got my dc set up at the momment and may give this a spin. Any advice? re settings and techniques for the , ahem, amatuer enthusiast? Have always used the auto box with the driving aids off bar Tc.*blushes*


                    Learn the tracks first with ABS switched on. Braking without ABS is the hardest thing to master. Probably best to leave all the assists on (apart from the IBS auto-brake thing) to begin with tbh as the car is also easier to control with SC switched on. Turn on the ghost in the option menu and you can watch the AM#2 player for good lines and braking points etc when you play driving mode.

                    Auto gears actually isn't that bad if you use the lift-off gearchange method that's explained in the links posted earlier. With AT though, you'll need to memorise the speedo reading the CPU decides to change each gear at and anticipate them.


                      Originally posted by mr_sockochris View Post
                      Awesome game, worth playing for the music alone

                      Who is the artist, sounds a bit like jap metal band "Vow Wow"

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                        Thanks for the tips Kubrick.


                          Will prob get round to picking this up at some stage, tho it will have to wait as the next game I never completed back in the day that will getting revisited soon is JSRF.


                            Ooh, there's a proper Championship mode in the PS2 version too! F355 is one of those games that rewards the player through proper self-fullfilling gameplay achievements rather than some unlockable so maybe it's not that required as everyone gets different kicks from their gameplay but still. Granted that it is not the best way to play it (we're talking hardcore time trails here, beating ones own times and then some) but still far more rewarding to win than most recent racers.


                              Originally posted by DANGEROUS View Post
                              Will prob get round to picking this up at some stage, tho it will have to wait as the next game I never completed back in the day that will getting revisited soon is JSRF.
                              Sacrilidge you mofo - Get that taken care of RIGHT NOW !


                                F355 is a special game. It's one of the only games I can play, finish 3rd, and think I did a decent job. I play it normally, no wierdy gears, so winning takes some concentration.

                                This thread put me back into DC mode. I spent lunch reading a Crazy Taxi FAQ. Yay me.

