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Live Rage

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    I had a well funny one tonight on Virtua Tennis 3... i won a ranked match and afterwards the guy sent me a voice message...

    saying that i had "****ing" lag (well shucks) and he would "****ing" kill me next time, because he's better than me.

    so, is that why i beat him 3-1 while he was cheesing with Nadal and wide-serving.

    oh how i lolz'd.
    Typically the guy is a whiney frenchman.
    begone you cheese eating surrender monkey!

    complaint filed


      Videogaming-related online strip by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins. Includes news and commentary.


        On FFXI I can't stand some US players that do nothing in a party, they just stand there and do ****all whilst using party chat to talk **** to each other. You try butting in to provoke some actual work and they just ignore you like you're not there.

        For instance last night, Thief party leader was umming and ahhing over her ****ing History assignment, went AFK for about 20mins only to return to say she was logging out. Before leaving she then passed the leadership to the Red Mage who had in my time with the party been AFK three times to eat food, and when he was there he would do absolute ****all. At the end of every couple of enemies I'd have 0 MP and he'd have a full bar. Not only that but we were a party of levels 58-59 fighting in a 55-57 area so that these fat ****s could just sit back and let 3/4 of the other members kill for the (very low) exp. When I asked them to move camp to fight our lvl enemies they told me to "Watch TV or something". ****ing ted, I'm there to play FFXI, not watch TV. Probably the worst party I've ever been involved with.

        On the other hand you have the super efficient Japanese players, although some won't invite or have any link whatsoever with English speakers. It's understandable after experiancing scenarios such as last nights', but it's very unfair of them to tar all English people with the same brush. "<< UK" sometimes works which is nice.


        I do miss unleashing my mouth to cause offence over live though. Another reason why I can't wait for Halo 3. I remember some guy telling me I'd never get a woman with my mouth, yeah but mate, I don't come on live to chat american boys up.
        Last edited by dataDave; 04-05-2007, 12:32.


          tbh I'm starting to think the Japs are no better than the Americans these days !

          Maybe Sony are onto something with region locked onlineness ?


            Quarantine the Americans!

