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Double Dragon (400pts)

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    I played this yesterday and I'm really dissapointed. Great game on the Speccy but this is awful. Is this an accurate port?
    Shows how far games have come. Streets Of Rage is vastly superior to this.


      Yeah it tells you in the blurb during downloading that it's a "genuine arcade emulation" which I've never seen against any of the others !

      Nicely touched up graphics but yeah it's aged somewhat quickly, still - I need those achievements - they're really nicely thought out.


        Think this has a bug. I finished the third level holding the baseball bat and didn't get the achievement. Anyone else had problems with this?


          No probs here.

          (You did the bridge bit, climbed up and killed the boss I take it? That bit is still level 3 in case you didn't realise.)


            You drop the baseball bat after the mid level boss, so you need to grab it again before dropping down onto the platform. Idealy kill the mid level boss near the right side of the screen.

            I personally like this game as a bit of nostalgia and nothing more. It is rubbish by todays standards, but its just how i remembered playing it in the arcades. Well worth the 400 points.


              I see where I'm going wrong now. At least it's not another turtles style bug


                played this on co-op with AllmyBase lastnight. Still retains all the fun of the arcade version imho. Accidently killing Allmybase brought back so many

                Didnt notice any lag issues and unlocked a couple of achievements. Allmybase got the girl in the end as I rather smartly fell into the pit at the end after taking a pretty nasty beating. Some things never change.


                  Originally posted by Welrain View Post
                  played this on co-op with AllmyBase lastnight. Still retains all the fun of the arcade version imho. Accidently killing Allmybase brought back so many

                  Didnt notice any lag issues and unlocked a couple of achievements. Allmybase got the girl in the end as I rather smartly fell into the pit at the end after taking a pretty nasty beating. Some things never change.
                  Hehe I wish you had your mic on so we could have coordinated our efforts a bit more.

                  There were some cool bits like throwing the 2nd level boss off his elevator stand to his doom. I like how the bird with the whip got stuck on the conveyor belt and fell to her doom as well! LOL

                  I had forgotton all about the event of the 1p vs 2p fight at the end. It went on for quite a while with you running around to avoid my sneaky elbow attacks but you were no match for Jimmy Blanka (ahem, Lee I mean)!


                    I done the same in a co-op last night as well. I spent ages dodging about and trying to beat the other player only to fall into the pit in a moment of stupidity! Fantastic fun!


                      I was a massive fan of Double Dragon when it was first released on the arcade, I also had the Spectrum version (****e) and also the Master System and NES versions of the game.

                      Now all these years later when I heard it was going to be on XBL I was really excited but when I played the trial version I was really let down. I don`t know if it was because of the great memories I had of the game which is now of course poor in comparison with modern titles, I don`t know what I was expecting to be honest.

                      After playing the full version of the game on co-op at Rubiq`s house the magic came flooding back, fighting Green Abobo and dodging the bastard traps in the final level was class and not to mention killing your own brother to death over the slag at the end of the game!

                      Double Dragon is probably the 1st XBL Arcade game to fully take me back to those happy days of hunting round arcades as a kid to play these classic games.


                        We were great fans of the arcade as kids. Check out this amusing reply from Julian Rignall to my mate Tristan(o) in Mean Machines issue 7 when he asked if it was out on the Megadrive!


                          Beef beyonet!!

                          It looks like the he was too busy refering to bum sex he used a picture of Double Dragon 2 by mistake!

                          With all the excitment of DD I`ve downloaded a montage of the music from all the levels of teh NES version of the game and stuck it on my mobile phone, it`s ****ing ace!!

                          I got it from here >>>
                          [link removed by DH - this stuff is still copyrighted I believe]
                          Last edited by VR46; 16-05-2007, 09:53. Reason: removed .mp3 link


                            Pm me later on nemboy i want some more DD Achievements :P


                              Originally posted by RuBiQ View Post
                              Pm me later on nemboy i want some more DD Achievements :P
                              No probs!

                              Originally posted by Nembot View Post
                              With all the excitment of DD I`ve downloaded a montage of the music from all the levels of teh NES version of the game and stuck it on my mobile phone, it`s ****ing ace!!

                              I got it from here >>>
                              [link removed by DH - this stuff is still copyrighted I believe]
                              If anyone would like it PM me.
                              Last edited by Nembot; 16-05-2007, 10:20.

