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    Hehe I've already been told that MH3 is both mega time consuming and very addictive at the same time.

    Only just realised MadWorld is 50hz only. Bugger, it's like the early 90s again lol. Still, it only cost me £6 so it's not all bad.


      Percy fun


        Nice choice of games. I ordered Gunblade today. The Wii is only used for random SEGA gun ports and PCE shooters in my house


          USA Gunblade just shipped from VGP too


            Did you draw the boxart yourself?




                Sweet looking to Friday to come yeah


                  I finally bought a Japanese 360.


                    cool man, decided not to go for the slim then?


                      Originally posted by Shozuki View Post
                      cool man, decided not to go for the slim then?
                      Some of the horror stories put me off, also the slim is quite a bit more expensive. Being able to use a UK PSU and no step-down is also a bonus.

                      The slim is gorgeous though.
                      Last edited by Blade Runner; 02-09-2010, 21:16.


                        Arrived home about an hour ago to find this on the bed.

                        It's really bloody heavy!! My Wheelstand Pro should be here from Poland in the next couple of days and I may wait until then before I start messing around with stuff.

                        If the Wheelstand Pro box is half as heavy as the G27 box when it turns up I'll suspect it of containing a smuggled family of Eastern European immigrants.


                          Originally posted by John Parry View Post
                          Arrived home about an hour ago to find this on the bed.

                          It's really bloody heavy!! My Wheelstand Pro should be here from Poland in the next couple of days and I may wait until then before I start messing around with stuff.

                          If the Wheelstand Pro box is half as heavy as the G27 box when it turns up I'll suspect it of containing a smuggled family of Eastern European immigrants.
                          I do not know why but suddenly feel the urge to purchase one. Must resist.
                          Let me know how she plays John.
                          I had an official 360 wheel and thought it was crap which has put me off a bit but this looks a bit special.




                              Originally posted by kernow View Post
                              Very nice, what sort of price do you pay for games like that?
                              Originally posted by neil2k View Post
                              I do not know why but suddenly feel the urge to purchase one. Must resist.
                              Let me know how she plays John.
                              I had an official 360 wheel and thought it was crap which has put me off a bit but this looks a bit special.
                              Please don't buy one, it looks like Friction is feeling the same as you after me talking about it in the GT5 thread and I don't want to be held responsible for people spending this sort of money on what's essentially a game controller.

                              The official 360 wheel gets so many different things wrong that I don't think you get any sort of an idea about what a decent wheel an add to a game.

                              As I mentioned in the GT5 thread I have a few mate who are really into proper sims on the PC so I've been lucky enough to be able to spend a bit of time with a few different wheels.

                              The G27 more than any other just felt right to me and it's highly recommended in the sim community as well as in the gaming community too. It has the bonus of being a Logitech wheel which means the vast majority of games support it.

                              I'm not going to set it up yet but I've opened the box to check it's and you really can feel the quality of the build as well as how right the movement feels.

                              I think the only thing this misses that the official GT5 wheel has is the horn button in the centre of the wheel but that's not a biggie and there's plenty of buttons to map if it was really important.

                              It has 6 buttons on the face which I can only think of things like camera angles. I suppose I could map the headlight settings of high beam, low beam, headlight flash and off as well as the horn.

                              You're more limited on the 360 side when it comes to wheels for some reason but the only one I'd consider is the Fanatec Porsche 911 wheel which has loads of different versions.

                              This wheel felt better to me but both are really good and I think me preferring this is a purely personal thing and it's a choice I was able to make by trying them.

                              Although I'll probably never do it myself you can buy adapters which allow you to remove the wheel, shifter, etc and replace them with real racing equipment.

                              I wasn't going to but I'm seriously tempted to quickly fire up the wheel even if I don't bother with the shifter.


                                Fire it up John!

                                Does it work with NFS Shift?

